TTA-65076 Turning Technology into Business: Commercialization and Business Model Development, 5 cr

Additional information

Active participation on casework and report based on real-life cases; Mid term exam on Course readings and lectures; No final exam. Grading 1-5.

Person responsible

Leena Aarikka-Stenroos, Valtteri Ranta


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
TTA-65076 2019-01 2 Leena Aarikka-Stenroos
Anil Engez
Linnea Harala
Valtteri Ranta

Learning Outcomes

The students will understand strategies and issues in commercializing technologies and technological products and services. The students investigate the design, analysis and utilization of business models and commercialization process models. Different tools, such as canvases and models, are applied for bridging technological innovation to customer needs and potentilal markets (commercialization process models, Business Model Canvas, Value proposition canvas, Impact Canvas). Special emphasis will be devoted to the interplay between technological innovation and business models and commercialization. The lessons learnt will cover strategic decision-making and tactics related to managing, financing and marketing technologies, acknowledging the different paths of turning technologies into business.

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
TTA-65076 Turning Technology into Business: Commercialization and Business Model Development, 5 cr TTA-65077 Turning Circular Economy Technologies into Business: Commercialization and Business Model Development, 5 cr Opintojaksojen vastaavuus on voimassa lukuvuodesta 2018-2019 alkaen (aiemmat suoritukset opintojaksolta TTA-65076 eivät vastaa lukuvuodelle 2018-2019 perustettavaa uutta opintojaksoa TTA-65077).  

Updated by: Kunnari Jaana, 05.03.2019