ELT-47436 Antennas I, 5 cr

Person responsible

Jari Kangas, Jouko Heikkinen


Implementation Period Person responsible Requirements
ELT-47436 2019-01 3 Jouko Heikkinen
Jari Kangas
(1) Simulation task (mandatory)
(2) Antenna design task (mandatory)
(3) Online tasks/exercises/homework (certain amount of activity points is required)
(4) Exam (optional)

It is possible to pass the course without taking the exam by completing the assignments and gathering enough activity points.
The highest grade without exam is 3.
Grade can be elevated by taking the exam.

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course, * student knows the fundamental antenna concepts and the language of antennas and is able to use key antenna parameters in antenna analysis. * student is able to explain principles of radiation from wire antennas and from elementary patch antennas. * student is able to design elementary antenna structures (such as wire antennas and patch antennas) * student can apply numerical simulation tools to elementary antenna design problems and has experience in interpreting their results. * student has experience in constructing basic antenna type(s) and in use of measurement results in evaluating properties of the constructed antenna(s). * student knows differences in typical antenna materials and in typical fabrication methods. Student knows of basic properties and use of selected commercial antenna modules.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Review of wave propagation, spherical wave propagation from antennas, antenna as a receiver.  Lorentz reciprocity theorem   
2. Radiation from a fixed current density. Electrical and magnetic dipoles, ideal ground plane. Numerical simulations to analyze electric and magnetic dipoles and elementary antenna arrays. Antenna field zones. Shape-impedance considerations. Elementary antenna arrays.      
3. Basic antenna parameters Antenna patterns. Beam solid angle, Radiation intensity and beam efficiency. Directivity and gain. Antenna apertures, Effective height   Notation variations between different antenna books Directivity and resolution. The radio communication link    
4. Linear, elliptical and circular polarization Poynting vector for elliptically and circularly polarized waves The polarization ellipse and and the Poincaré sphere      
5. Microstrip antenna basics: Analytical models (Cavity / transmission line); feeding techniques.      
6. Numerical design methods and tools. Construction of elementary antennas (dipoles, microstrip patches). Basic antenna measurements. Reporting and interpreting measurement and simulation results.      
7. Typical antenna materials and fabrication methods, Feeding antennas Use and basic properties of commercial antenna modules   Tolerances in constructions and in material parameters   

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Additional information Examination material
Book   Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design   Constantine A. Balanis       Sections covered from the Balanis book will be given during the course in Moodle.   Yes   


Course Mandatory/Advisable Description
ELT-41736 Analysis of Electromagnetic Systems Advisable   1

1 . DEE-12001 Sähkömagnetiikka

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
ELT-47436 Antennas I, 5 cr ELT-41746 Antenna Basics, 2 cr  

Updated by: Turjanmäki Pia, 04.03.2019