Health Technology and Informatics, 30 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Hannu Eskola, Hannu Nieminen, Alpo Värri, Jari Hyttinen

Learning Outcomes

- After completing the major:
- Students are able to apply engineering expertise to the design of devices, systems, algorithms, software, models, methods or processes for health technology and informatics solutions.
- Students are aware how to design medical devices and health information systems so that they would meet the desired functional, interoperability, safety, security and privacy regulatory requirements for the commercialization of medical products and health information systems.
- Students are able to design and carry out a research plan to test hypotheses, to analyze and interpret the results in the context of the research, and to report the results according to scientific principles especially taking into consideration the traditions, requirements, and ethics related to engineering and life sciences.
- Students are able to work as members of multidisciplinary teams and to apply advanced methodologies at the interface between engineering and health sciences.


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Additional information Class
BMT-01907 Master's Seminar 1-2 cr V  
BMT-52606 Processing of Biosignals 5 cr IV  
BMT-55006 Introduction to Medical Image Processing 5 cr IV  
BMT-57106 Health Care Processes and Information Systems 5 cr IV  
BMT-63106 Measurements of Physiological Systems 5 cr IV  
BMT-63306 Modelling of Physiological Systems 5 cr IV  
Total 26 cr    

1. Note that some of the courses require prerequisite knowledge. The student should have passed SGN-11007 Introduction to Signal Processing and preferably also SGN-12007 Introduction to Image and Video Processing or otherwise obtained corresponding skills before studying the courses BMT-52606 Processing of Biosignals and BMT-55006 Introduction to Medical Image Processing. Before studying BMT-61306 Basics of Medical Electronics, the student should have obtained basic knowledge of analogue electronics.

Optional Compulsory Courses

Must be selected at least 5 credits of courses

Course Credit points Class
BMT-57606 Health Information Systems Laboratory 5 cr IV  
BMT-62306 Research Project in Biomedical Engineering 5 cr V  
BMT-85006 Demola Project Work 5-10 cr V  

Complementary Courses

Course Credit points Class
BMT-57408 Standards, Interoperability and Regulations in Health Informatics 5 cr V  
BMT-61606 Biomedical Instrumentation 5 cr IV  
BMT-62266 Diagnostic X-ray Imaging Techniques 5 cr IV  
BMT-64166 Radiation Safety in Medicine 5 cr IV  
BMT-64216 Medical Imaging Methods 5 cr IV  
BMT-64416 Methods of Radiotherapy 5 cr IV  
PLA-44006 Health Analytics 5 cr V  

Updated by: Väisänen Outi, 22.02.2019