Smart Grids, 30 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Sami Repo

Learning Outcomes

- After passing the major the student is able to recognize, manage, and use common scientific and professional concepts of the field.
- By doing the master thesis in the major subject the student gains ability to understand and use the scientific and professional concepts of the field.
- The student has possibility to work in electricity companies, power engineering industry, related service companies and research institutes and has knowledge and skills to develope applications in areas such as active network management, the integration of distributed energy resources or the enabling FACTS technology.


Study block Credit points Mandatory/Advisable
Power Electronics 30 cr Advisable
Electrical Energy Engineering 30 cr Advisable
Renewable Electrical Energy Technologies 20 cr Advisable


Compulsory courses

Recommended year of a course: 3 means the first year at Master level studies and 4 the second year. If the student does his/her Master's thesis in Smart Grids the course TST-01907 Master's Seminar with the Electrical Engineering implementation round is compulsory. Smart Grid major is also available for a student of Finnish Master program. The course DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems can be replaced by the course DEE-24000 Sähköverkkojen mallintaminen ja analyysi.

Course Credit points Class
DEE-23216 Introduction to Smart Grids and Renewable Energy 5 cr III  
DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems 5 cr III  
DEE-33116 Power Electronics Converters 5 cr III  
Total 15 cr  

Optional Compulsory Courses

Two alternative sets of courses, power engineering and power electronics, are available. Select at least 15 credits from one set of courses. You may fulfil 30 credits from all optional courses.

Must be selected at least 15 credits of courses

Course Credit points Alternativity Class
DEE-24116 Distribution Automation 5 cr 1   III  
DEE-24126 Flexible Transmission Systems 5 cr 1   IV  
DEE-24137 Distributed Energy Resources in Electricity Networks 5 cr 1   IV  
DEE-24906 Electrical Energy Engineering Project Work 2-10 cr   IV  
DEE-33036 Electric Drives 5 cr 2   III  
DEE-33106 Switched-Mode Converters 5 cr 2   III  
DEE-34026 Power Electronic Applications for Power Quality 5 cr 2   III  
DEE-53117 Solar Power Systems 5 cr 1   III  
DEE-54107 Wind Power Systems 5 cr 1   IV  
DEE-54206 Electrical Energy Storages and Electric Vehicles 5 cr 1   IV  

1. Select 15 credits. Power engineering.
2. Select 15 credits. Power electronics.

Additional information

In general, Smart Grid is an enabler of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly energy market and critical infrastructure for society. The smart solutions will connect information technology and communication technology to the electricity infrastructure.

The major studies provide thorough knowledge of Smart Grids, addressing in-depth some of the underlying areas such as active network management, the integration of distributed energy resources and the enabling FACTS technology. Power electronics plays a key role in the integration of the so-called distributed energy resources into the smart grid - distributed renewable sources of generation such as solar and hydrogen cells, wind turbines, controllable loads and electric vehicles. Distribution automation and ICT solutions for active network management provide the foundation for the overall target of smart grids to enable energy-efficient and environmentally friendly energy markets aiming at a secure infrastructure for the benefit of society.

Smart Grid major is also available for a student of Finnish Master program or from other Finnish universities having suitable courses in Bachelor Degree studies. Suitable major studies in Bachelor level at TUT’s Electrical Engineering degree program are e.g. Power Engineering, Renewable Energy Technologies or Power Electronics. In the case of a Finnish student the course DEE-24106 Electric Power Systems can be replaced by the course DEE-24000 Sähköverkkojen mallintaminen ja analyysi in the Smart Grid major.

Updated by: Nousiainen Kirsi, 08.08.2019