Industrial Biotechnology and Synthetic Biology, 50 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Advanced Studies


Suvi Santala, Johanna Rinta-Kanto, Ville Santala


- The student is able to:
- apply fundamentals of biocatalysis on biotechnological systems
- apply the knowledge about genetics on biotechnological systems
- explain terminology used in the fields of industrial biotechnology and synthetic biology.
- analyse methodologies used for cellular engineering and evaluate the goals of applying such methods.
- develop biotechnological solutions based on utilizing genetically engineered cells or their components
- apply biotechnological methods in planning and research.
- design technically sound industrial processes
- evaluate the technical and economic feasibility of biotechnological processes.
- interpret recent developments in biotechnology in industrial framework.
- The student:
- understands scientific thinking, reasoning, and explanation.
- gathers, processes, evaluates, analyses and uses information in a versatile, critical, and ethical way.
- complies with the research and professional ethics of his/her field.
- is familiar with the principles of sound scientific practice and acts accordingly.
- has the ability to give, accept, and utilize justified criticism.
- is able to apply data analysis skills and present the data.
- thinks creatively and sees alternative solutions.
- is able to use the language and presentation skills in scientific activities.
- has good work community skills and is able to work in a multi-professional environment
- applies the principles of scientific writing, reporting, and information retrieval.
- has project management skills.
- is capable of international and intercultural communication in his/her work and in its development.
- is able to organize activities to find and implement solutions that promote sustainable development.


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet P/S
Bio- ja ympäristötekniikka 35 op Mandatory


Pakolliset opintojaksot

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
KEB-23006 Industrial Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4 op IV  
KEB-23206 Biocatalysis and Enzymology 3 op IV  
KEB-23757 Trends in Bioengineering 5 op IV  
KEB-23758 Molecular and Synthetic Biology I 5 op IV  
KEB-23806 Laboratory Course in Bio and Environmental Engineering 5 op IV  
KEB-63256 Industrial Organic Chemistry 3 op IV  
Yhteensä 25 op  

Pakolliset vaihtoehtoiset opintojaksot

The student can specialize in the fields of synthetic biology, industrial biotechnology, or environmental biotechnology by choosing a package of optional compulsory courses. For specialization in synthetic biology, choose all courses with alternativity tag 1. For specialization in industrial biotechnology, choose all courses with alternativity tag 2. For specialization in environmental biotechnology, choose all courses with alternativity tag 3.

Must be selected at least 20 credits of courses

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vaihtoehtoisuus Vuosikurssi
KEB-15207 LCA in Energy and Environmental Engineering 5 op 2   V  
KEB-22306 Design of Water Treatment Processes 5 op 3   IV  
KEB-23607 Biogas Technology for Material Flow Management and Energy Production 5 op 3   IV  
KEB-23766 Molecular and Synthetic Biology II 5 op 1   IV  
KEB-24500 Laitossuunnittelu 5 op 3   V  
KEB-24606 Resource recovery 5 op 3   V  
KEB-26106 Special Project in Bioengineering 2-8 op 1   V  
KEB-48210 Biojalostuksen konversioprosessit ja toteutettavuus 5 op 2   IV  
KEB-48310 Biojalostamon mitoitus 5 op 2   IV  
KEB-64117 Bioorganic Chemistry 5 op 1   IV  
TTA-65077 Turning Circular Economy Technologies into Business: Commercialization and Business Model Development 5 op 3   V  
YHTTAY-24306 Molecular Genetics 5 op 1   IV  
YHTTAY-24316 Functional Genomics 5 op 1   V  

1. Valittava 5 opintojaksoa. for specialization in synthetic biology.
2. Valittava 3 opintojaksoa. for specialization in industrial biotechnology
3. Valittava 5 opintojaksoa. for specialization in environmental biotechnology

Täydentävät opintojaksot

The courses listed in the optional compulsory courses can be included to the complementary courses if not taken as specialization courses. KEB-26106 can be taken several times with different content.

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 50 ETCS

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
KEB-26106 Special Project in Bioengineering 2-8 op V  
KEB-42506 Process Engineering 5 op V  
TTA-86030 Ympäristöjohtaminen ja ympäristöriskien analysointi 5 op V  

Päivittäjä: Pitkänen Anna, 22.02.2019