Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2008-2009


Type of the study block

Minor Studies


Jukka Lekkala


- - antaa perustiedot erilaisten biotieteisiin liittyvien mittausjärjestelmien ja analytiikkatuotteiden suunnitteluun, mallintamiseen ja toteuttamiseen.
- - antaa riittävät viestintä- ja yhteistyötaidot.
- - antaa valmiudet tieteelliseen ajatteluun ja tieteellisiin työskentelytapoihin.
- - antaa valmiudet toimia työelämässä biomittaustekniikan soveltajana.

Degrees the study block may be included in

Biomedical Engineering - International Master's Student-Biomedical Engineering


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
ACI-51406 Microfluidics 5 cr I  
LTT-2306 Instrumentation in Clinical Chemistry 5 cr I  
MIT-1216 Mathematical Methods for Measurement Technology 5 cr I  
MIT-4036 Microsensors 5 cr I  
Total 20 cr  

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block¿s requirement (25)

Course Credit points Class
ACI-20016 Basic Course in Automation Technology 5 cr I  
ACI-21086 Control System Design with Matlab 5 cr I  
ACI-42076 System Identification 5 cr I  
ACI-51006 Introduction to Microsystem Technology 4 cr I  
ACI-51106 Laboratory Course in Microsystem Technology 4 cr I  
ACI-51306 Microrobotics and microactuators 5 cr I  
MIT-1336 Project Study in Measurement and Information Technology 3-7 cr I  
MIT-1356 Laboratory course in sensor technology 3 cr I  
MIT-2016 Metrology 7 cr I  
MIT-3016 Analysis of Measurement Data 1 7 cr I  
MIT-3216 Measurement Based on Digital Image 1 5 cr I  
MIT-4016 Sensor Physics 7 cr I  
MIT-4056 Design of silicon sensors 7-8 cr I  
MIT-4076 Biosensors 5 cr I  
Total 72 cr  

Additional information

Prerequisites: The student should have previous knowledge from the field of - Measurement and information technology or - Biotechnology or - Automation technology or - Biomedical engineering or - Electronics

Last modified06.08.2009
ModifierJaana Inha