Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2008-2009


Type of the study block

Minor Studies


Mika Valden, Helge Lemmetyinen, Tapio Rantala


- The module gives the theoretical basis and therefore the student has readiness to find, read and apply information.
- The student has sufficient communication and co-operative skills.
- The student learns the basics of the photochemistry, semiconductor physics or surface science and achieves the readiness to follow the development of the area.
- The student will attain eligibility for working assignments in the field of design, inspection and development.


Supplemental courses

Please select from the following list courses so that the total amount of the module is minimum of 25 cr. The student can use the grouping principle of the Nanotechnology-major as a source when he/she plans the content of the minor.

Please select at least 25 credits of courses

Course Credit points
FYS-2106 Introduction to Surface Science 6 cr
FYS-2306 Electron Spectroscopy 5 cr
FYS-2406 Nanostructures and Elementary Surface Processes 5 cr
FYS-5106 Optics II 6 cr
FYS-5406 Laser Physics 6 cr
FYS-5506 Fundamentals of Nonlinear Optics 6 cr
FYS-5606 Semiclassical light-matter interaction 6 cr
FYS-6216 Semiconductor Physics I 4 cr
FYS-6226 Semiconductor Physics II 3 cr
FYS-6406 Advanced Compound Semiconductor Technology 5 cr
FYS-6606 Photonics 5 cr
FYS-6706 Optical Communication Systems 4-5 cr
FYS-7306 Molecular modeling of bio- and nanosystems 5-8 cr
KEM-5050 Spectroscopy 6 cr
KEM-5100 Photochemistry 5 cr
KEM-5126 Photochemistry, Laboratory 3 cr
Total 80 cr

Last modified30.12.2008
ModifierSuvi-Päivikki Ikonen