Course Catalog 2011-2012

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2011-2012

Metallic Materials, 25 cr

Type of the study block

Minor Studies


Veli-Tapani Kuokkala

Learning outcomes

- The minor studies in metallic materials give broad knowledge of the properties, utilization and development of these properties to meet the requirements set in different fields of applications.
- After completing the study module, the student is able to analyze the demands set for materials by both manufacturing and usage of metallic products, understands the reasons for the observed behavior of metallic materials, and can assess the applicability of different metallic materials for different purposes. The student has a good basic knowledge on the development, properties and behavior of metallic materials under various circumstances and in different applications.


Compulsory courses

Please bear in mind that you can use the credits from one course only once and the credits from the same course, e.g., MOL-1516 Mechanical Behavior of Materials, cannot be included in both Major and Minor studies.

Course Credit points
MOL-1516 Mechanical Behaviour of Materials 5 cr
MOL-4106 Phase Transformations and Heat Treatments of Metals 5 cr
Total 10 cr

Supplemental courses

Please select at least 25 credits of courses

Course Credit points
MOL-3316 Wear of Materials 6 cr
MOL-3716 Plastic Deformation and Fatigue of Metals 6 cr
MOL-4606 Advanced Steel Technology 4 cr
MOL-7506 Corrosion and its Prevention 6 cr
MOL-8506 Special Treatise on Materials Science 3-8 cr

Additional information

This minor is for students who don't have Metallic Materials as major.

Last modified31.03.2011