Course Catalog 2012-2013

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2012-2013

Information Technology, 25 cr

Type of the study block

Int. MSc Minor Studies


Jarmo Takala

Learning outcomes

- To acquire knowledge of various areas of information technology.
- To know the key concepts and definitions of the selected area of specialization.
- To recognize the application areas and possibilities of the special area s/he has chosen.

Post study options

Study block Credit points
Communication Systems and Networks 30 cr
Communications Engineering 30 cr
Computational Systems Biology 30 cr
Digital and Computer Electronics 30 cr
Human-Technology Interaction 30 cr
Mathematics 30 cr
Multimedia 30 cr
Positioning and Navigation 30 cr
Signal Processing 30 cr
Software Systems 30 cr


Alternative Studies

Alternative sets of courses for the module in Information Technology are listed below. The student has to choose courses from at least three different sets (alternativities), which are indicated with footnote numbers 1-6. Possible extra requirements by the majors are explained in the alternativities 1-6. The minimum number of 25 credits for the module in Information Technology must be completed from these courses and, if needed, with courses selected freely from the list of elective studies.

Course Credit points Alternativity Class
IHTE-3106 User-Centered Product Development 5 cr 6   I  
IHTE-7106 Introduction to Human Behaviour 5 cr 6   I  
MAT-31107 Numerical Analysis 4 cr 5   I  
OHJ-1406 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 4 cr 1   I  
OHJ-2016 Utilization of Data Structures 5 cr 1   I  
OHJ-4016 Concurrency 4 cr 1   I  
SGN-2016 Digital Linear Filtering I 5 cr 2   I  
SGN-2506 Introduction to Pattern Recognition 4 cr 2   I  
SGN-3016 Digital Image Processing I 5 cr 2   I  
TKT-1426 Digital Design for FPGA 6 cr 3   I  
TKT-2536 Introduction to Satellite Positioning 5 cr 5   I  
TKT-3416 Computer Architecture 7 cr 3   I  
TLT-2316 Computer Networking I 5 cr 4   I  
TLT-5206 Communication Theory 5-7 cr 4   I  
TLT-6106 Basic Course on Wireless Communications 5 cr 4   I  
YHTTAY-7207 Interaction Techniques 5 cr 6   I  

1. If your advanced study module (major) is Software Systems, all these three courses from this set are required.
2. If your advanced study module (major) is Signal Processing or Multimedia, two courses from this set are required.
3. If your advanced study module (major) is Digital and Computer Electronics, at least TKT-1426 Digital Design for FPGA from this set is required.
4. If your advanced study module (major) is Communication Systems and Networks, all these three courses from this set are required.
5. If your advanced study module (major) is Positioning and Navigation, these courses are strongly recommended.
6. If your advanced study module (major) is Human-Technology Interaction, all these three courses from this set are required.

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (25)

Course Credit points
MAT-31096 Matrix Algebra 1 5 cr
MAT-41196 Graph Theory 6 cr
MAT-45706 Introduction to scientific computing 3 cr
MAT-51216 Information Theory 4 cr
MAT-51266 Stochastic Processes 6 cr
MAT-51706 Bayesian Methods 6 cr
MAT-52506 Inverse Problems 6 cr
MAT-55406 Finite Fields 4 cr
OHJ-1406 Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming 4 cr
OHJ-2016 Utilization of Data Structures 5 cr
OHJ-2056 Principles of Programming Languages 5 cr
OHJ-3056 Software Engineering Methodology 6 cr
OHJ-3066 Software Testing 5 cr
SGN-1606 Signal Processing and Multimedia laboratory 5 cr
SGN-2016 Digital Linear Filtering I 5 cr
SGN-2706 Nonlinear Signal Processing 5 cr
SGN-3106 Digital Video Processing 4 cr
SGN-3507 Introduction to Medical Image Processing 5 cr
TKT-2456 Wireless Sensor Networks 5 cr
TKT-2536 Introduction to Satellite Positioning 5 cr
TKT-3416 Computer Architecture 7 cr
TKT-3517 DSP Implementations 5 cr
TLT-2316 Computer Networking I 5 cr
TLT-2336 Computer Networking II 5 cr
TLT-8207 Communication Circuits & Modules - 1 5-8 cr
TLT-8357 Communication Technologies in Battery Management 5-8 cr

Additional information

This module offers the student wide knowledge of the areas in information technology. It qualifies the student to continue for advanced studies in the options of the international curriculum of information technology. This is a compulsory module for students who take advanced modules in Communication Systems and Networks, Computational Systems Biology, Digital and Computer Electronics, Human-Technology Interaction, Mathematics, Multimedia, Positioning and Navigation, Signal Processing, or Software Systems. This curriculum module is offered only for students of the International M.Sc. Degree Programme in Information Technology.

Last modified27.03.2012