Study Guide 2015-2016

ARK-53506 Sustainable Renovation and Redevelopment, 5 cr


Study type P1 P2 P3 P4 Summer Lecture times and places



 3 h/week

Friday 10 - 12 , RD203


The aim of the course is to study issues related to either sustainable renovation or transformation of existing built environments and the building stock. Different models for extending the life cycles of buildings are investigated, according to an annually changing theme, ranging from regular maintenance, periodical renovation and refurbishment to large-scale transformation, adaptive reuse and even demolition or deconstruction and reuse of components. Students will learn essential design skills related to demanding renovation, refurbishment and transformation of degenerated buildings. Students will develop a theoretical understanding about the societal contexts of these interventions and their ecological implications.

Person responsible:

Satu Huuhka

Assessment scale:

Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course

Methods of instruction:

Methods of instruction Hours
Lectures 12.0  
Excercises 2.0  
Other contact teaching 12.0  

Other measurings 
Sum of all 26.0  

Contact teaching: 20 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Proportion of a student´s independent study: 80 %