- FYS-1376 Statistical Physics, 3 cr
- FYS-1556 Physics Seminar, 1-2 cr
- FYS-1626 Solid-State Physics, 3 cr
- FYS-1826 Master's Thesis Seminar on Physics, 1 cr
- FYS-2106 Introduction to Surface Science, 6 cr
- FYS-2306 Electron Spectroscopy, 5 cr
- FYS-2406 Nanostructures and Elementary Surface Processes, 5 cr
- FYS-4406 Analytical Mechanics, 5 cr
- FYS-5106 Optics II, 6 cr
- FYS-5206 Optical Spectroscopy, 5 cr
- FYS-5416 Laser Physics I, 4 cr
- FYS-5426 Laser Physics II, 4 cr
- FYS-5516 Nonlinear Optics I, 4 cr
- FYS-5526 Nonlinear Optics II, 4 cr
- FYS-5606 Semiclassical Light-Matter Interaction, 6 cr
- FYS-6106 Basic Semiconductor Technology, 5 cr
- FYS-6216 Semiconductor Physics I, 4 cr
- FYS-6226 Semiconductor Physics II, 3 cr
- FYS-6306 Quantum Theory of Molecules and Nanostructures, 6 cr
- FYS-6406 Advanced Compound Semiconductor Technology, 5 cr
- FYS-6606 Photonics, 5 cr
- FYS-7106 Introduction to Soft Matter Physics, 3-5 cr
- FYS-7206 Biological Physics, 3-5 cr
- FYS-7306 Molecular Modeling of Bio- and Nanosystems, 5-8 cr
- FYS-7406 Special Topics in Computational Biophysics, 3-10 cr
- FYS-92016 Postgraduate studies in aerosol physics, 1-15 cr
- FYS-93016 Postgraduate studies in computational physics, 1-15 cr
- FYS-94016 Postgraduate studies in optics, 1-15 cr
- FYS-95016 Postgraduate studies in Optoelectronics, 1-15 cr