ELT-43206 Spread Spectrum Techniques, 5 cr
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Lecture times and places |
This course focuses on spread spectrum techniques, with a special emphasis on direct sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) and on current wireless applications that are based on DS-SS (e.g., 3G, GNSS, ...) At the output of the course the student will be familiar with: - acquisition and tracking - Rake receivers - single and multi-user spread spectrum systems - basics on GNSS systems that use spread spectrum The course is organized as a series of seminar presentations to be kept by the students. The course is passed if the students keep 2 presentations each, act as Opponents in minimum 2 other presentations of their colleagues, solve few homework exercises related to spread spectrum and write a 3-page report at the end of the lecture. There is no exam associated with this course.
Person responsible:
Elena-Simona Lohan
Assessment scale:
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course