ELT-43306 Advanced Course in Digital Transmission, 5 cr
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Lecture times and places |
Person responsible:
Markku Renfors
Assessment scale:
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course
Additional information of course implementation:
This is an advanced course, primarily meant for doctoral students. The knowledge of courses ELT-43006 Digital Transmission and ELT-43106 Multicarrier and Multiantenna Techniques is mandatory background. The course starts on Wednesday, September 2nd at 14-17. The scope of the couse will be the same as in the implementation of 2013 (see www-link), but significant changes in the contents and arrangements will take place. Please stay tuned for further info about the course arrangements.