Study Guide 2015-2016

DEE-53106 Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources, 3 cr

Person responsible

Seppo Valkealahti


Implementation 1: DEE-53106 2015-01

Study type P1 P2 P3 P4 Summer


 2 h/week
 6 h/per



Lecture times and places: Thursday 14 - 16 SE211

Learning Outcomes

Students having taken the course are able to provide a general overview on current energy resources and their sufficiency and usage. The viewpoint will be in total energy usage on global level and, especially, in energy used in power production. Students will also have a general view and understanding on the role of electrical energy technologies as a part of energy technologies and on their future potential and role. In particular student having taken the course can clearly separate renewable and non-renewable energy technologies, understand their role and potential for present and future societies. Furthermore, students can explain and argue plausibly on the role of different renewable energy resources and their usage in power production in the near future.


Content Core content Complementary knowledge Specialist knowledge
1. Energy sources and their sufficiency and usage: Primary energy sources, renewable vs. non-renewable primary energy and energy conversion, especially in case of power production.     
2. Renewable energy sources in power production: Current usage of renewable energy sources, renewable energy resources, future potential of renewable energy in power production and development of renewable energy technologies.     
3. Wind power: Wind energy resources, conversion of wind energy to electrical energy, resources of wind energy, current usage of wind power and wind power in the near future.     
4. Solar photovoltaic power: Conversion of solar radiation energy directly to electric energy photovoltaic conversion as a main case, resources of solar energy globally and locally, the current usage of solar PV power, Solar PV power in the near future on the market and technology development point of view and it's future role for power production.     
5. Hydropower capacity and current usage in power production. Conversion from mechanical energy of water to electrical energy. Current and future role of hydropower for power systems.     
6. Bio-energy as an power suorce, current usage of bio-energy, conversion of bio-energy to electrical energy and current and future usage of bio-energy in power production.     
7. Other renewable energy sources for power production: An overview on the resources, usage and future utilization potential of wave energy, tidal energy, geothermal energy, ocean current energy etc.     
8. An overview on climatic change and the role of power production on changes taking place in the climate.     

Instructions for students on how to achieve the learning outcomes

Acceptable performance both in exam and seminar (assignment) work.

Assessment scale:

Evaluation scale passed/failed will be used on the course

Partial passing:

Completion parts must belong to the same implementation

Study material

Type Name Author ISBN URL Additional information Examination material
Lecture slides     Seppo valkealahti         Yes   
Other literature     Seppo valkealahti       Other material distributed during the course.   Yes   

Correspondence of content

Course Corresponds course  Description 
DEE-53106 Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources, 3 cr SET-6226 Introduction to Renewable Energy Sources, 3 cr  

Last modified 20.03.2015