ASE-5056 Optimal and Robust Control with Matlab, 8 cr
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Lecture times and places |
LAB work (3h), PC sessions (14h) and Exams are compulsory (mandatory). Other sessions are voluntary. Some of them allow a convenient alternative to self-study of systems theory & Matlab skills. Other voluntary sessions may offer extra points.
Person responsible:
Terho Jussila
Robert Piche
Assessment scale:
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course
Methods of instruction:
Methods of instruction | Hours |
Lectures | 80.0 |
Excercises | 96.0 |
Practical works | 15.0 |
Laboratory assignments | 4.0 |
Other contact teaching | 4.0 |
Other measurings | Hours |
Examination/partial examinatinss | 7.0 | 206.0 |
Contact teaching: 45 %
Distance learning: 0 %
Proportion of a student´s independent study: 55 %
Additional information of course implementation:
There are 3 PPEs (Pen-and-Paper) Exams, each of 90 min and 12 points. In addition, there is a PCE (PC Exam) of 180 min and 36 points. Hence you may gain upto 72 points from the exams. You should select freely at least 7 "PC sessions" from a list of 13 "PC sessions". Each additional "PC session" taken seriously offers 2 extra points