ASE-8016 Advanced Topics in Automation Science and Engineering , 1 cr
Study type | P1 | P2 | P3 | P4 | Summer | Lecture times and places |
INERTIAL NAVIGATION AND SENSOR FUSION (5 credits) Learn the principles of inertial navigation with accelerometers and gyroscopes, and how Kalman filtering theories are applied to sensor fusion for navigation and positioning. 1. Basic principles of inertial navigation 2. Modelling of INS errors 3. Basics of estimation theory and Kalman filtering 4. Fusion of INS data with other information sources (GPS, odometer etc.)
Person responsible:
Pavel Davidson
Robert Piche
Assessment scale:
Numerical evaluation scale (1-5) will be used on the course
Methods of instruction:
Methods of instruction | Hours |
Lectures | 56.0 |
Excercises | 42.0 |
Other measurings | |
Sum of all | 98.0 |
Contact teaching: 30 %
Distance learning: 70 %
Proportion of a student´s independent study: 0 %