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Data processing and scientific computing

Tampere University and TAMK

We offer support for computation and processing in situations where a regular computer is inefficient, for example, the computation analysis takes several hours preventing any other use of the computer, or RAM or disk space proves to be inadequate.

Virtual server solutions

Virtual servers are available for teaching and research purposes. They are available both locally (VMware environment TUNI Research Cloud, TRC) and from CSC (cPouta and ePouta).

cPouta is a cloud service provided by CSC, where you can easily launch a virtual server that is accessible from the internet and where you can install the software you need. Storage and performance can be booked flexibly, and TUNI project folders (the same as the P or S disks on a Windows computer) can be attached. 

ePouta is a service similar to cPouta, but more secure for processing sensitive data. the ePouta virtual server can only be accessed from a computer that is in TUNI network.

CSC provides comprehensive computing services for a variety of needs for academic institutions. Access to the calculation services is sought through CSC and some of the services are subject to a fee. TUNI’s IT Services also offer support for the maintenance of CSC’s servers. Further information:

To find an optimal solution, please contact our experts at it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi). Choosing the solution depends on the amount of support needed, the method of using the capacity, timetable, and budget.

The European Open Clouds for Research Environments (OCRE) agreement gives you the opportunity to flexibly purchase commercial cloud capacity for your research project if the local or CSC services are not suitable for your needs. Currently, capacity can be purchased for Azure, but it is likely to become also available to, for example, AWS.

TUNI Virtual Desktop

TUNI Virtual Desktop is a virtual Windows desktop that is a good solution for: 

  • Students’ access to TUNI research data on the network drive
  • Temporary remote access to research data from your own machine
  • Mathematical simulations

TUNI Virtual Desktop’s general service “for work” is available free of charge for staff and individuals with a extended resource agreement (can also be made for students). 

Instructions: Tuni Virtual Desktop for work

If your research needs more performance, capacity, or special software, you can order a paid Restricted virtual desktop. 

Instructions: TUNI Virtual Desktop in research

CSC Sensitive Data Desktop Services

Sensitive Data (SD) Desktop is a service provided by CSC for analysing sensitive research data. Built on top of ePouta, it provides an isolated and secure private cloud environment accessible via a web interface. All data processing takes place in Finland. Also suitable for material that needs a permit from Findata. See also Management and storage of research data.

Instructions: CSC/Sensitive Data Desktop

CSC Rahti

Rahti is a cloud service provided by CSC, where you can run existing Docker containers and build containers based on ready-made templates. 

Instructions: CSC/Rahti

Scientific computing

We can help transferring your computation to another environment. There are three different levels of computing environments, which constitute an enterprise architecture of scientific computation in a European scale.

  • The lowest level (Tier-2) is a computing environment maintained by the University computing centre (TCSC). A right to use can be granted for all University researchers. An approval of a superior is required on the user right application. For example, writers of doctoral theses need an approval of their supervisors. Support can also be offered for a small group of students for a specific study module or at a graduate work stage.
  • The next level (Tier-1) is formed by the national computing centre (CSC). Tier-1 meets the requirements of larger computation needs. A researcher of a Finnish University can get a user account to CSC computing environment and it includes certain amount of user right to the computing capacity. A national level of scientific evaluation on the research project is required for larger computing capacity needs.
  • The highest level (Tier-0) is formed by a European PRACE collaboration. An international level of scientific evaluation on the research project is required to get computing resources.

(Tier-2 indicates generally a computing centre of 1 000+ CPU cores, Tier-1 indicates 10 000+ CPU cores and Tier-0 indicates 100 000+ CPU cores.)

If the computation cannot be transferred to the above-mentioned environments specializing in computation, a virtual server can be considered, or if the budget of the research project allows, an external cloud service could be purchased.

An alternative to the computing environments presented above is for example boosting algorithms, parallel computation, increasing the storage capacity or selecting another application for computation. If the budget of the research project allows, also purchasing a more efficient computer can be considered.


IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 19.10.2022
Updated: 12.6.2024