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FAQ - Mailing Lists

Tampere University and TAMK

How do I find a new hour list that matches the old TAMK email list?

You can search for old TAMK lists at

Subscribing and Unsubscribing

How do I add new subscribers / members to the list?

In the administration interface, go to Membership Management -> Mass Subscription. Enter address(es) in the box under "Enter one address per line below..." and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I add new subscribers / members without them being sent a welcome message?

In the administration interface, go to Membership Management -> Mass Subscription, and then in "Send welcome messages to new subscribees?" select No

How can one subscribe to a list?

Subscribing is possible either with a browser at or by sending a message whose subject is "subscribe" to list-name-request [at] Depending on the list settings, subscription also needs to be confirmed / approved by the subscriber, list administrator, or both.

How can one unsubscribe from a list?

Unsubscribing is possible either with a browser at or by sending a message whose subject is "unsubscribe" to list-name-request [at]

How do I change the list settings so that I do not have to confirm every subscription?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Subscription rules. In subscribe_policy, select Confirm.

How do I prevent subscribers / members from unsubscribing without moderator's approval?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Subscription rules. In unsubscribe_policy, select Yes.

How do I unsubscribe a subscriber / member?

In the administration interface, go to Membership Management -> Membership List: Select "unsub" for the address to be removed and press Submit Your Changes.

List Settings

How do I modify the settings of my mailing list(s)?

The administration interface for each list is at Mailing list administrators have separate passwords for maintenance, which they receive when ordering.

How do add/change list administrators?

In the administration interface, go to General Options. In owner, enter addresses and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I enable certain non-member addresses to send messages to the list without being moderated?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Sender filters. In accept_these_nonmembers, enter addresses (or use regular expressions) and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I enable all addresses ending with to send messages to the list without being moderated?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Sender filters. In accept_these_nonmembers, add ^.* [at] and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I enable anyone to send messages to the list without being moderated?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Sender filters. In generic_nonmember_action, select Accept and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page. (Do consider carefully, however, whether selecting Accept is a smart choice.)

How do enable moderation for all messages sent to the list, even by list members?

In the administration interface, go to Membership Management -> Membership List. In "Set everyone's moderation bit...", select On and press Set.

How can messeges be sent to the list as blind carbon copies (bcc:) without them being moderated?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Recipient filters. In require_explicit_destination, select No and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I make messages held for moderation disappear automatically after a certain number of days?

In the administration interface, go to General Options. In max_days_to_hold, enter the desired number of days and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I disable Bounce action notification and Unsubscribe notification messages?

In the administration interface, go to Bounce processing. In bounce_notify_owner_on_disable, select No and/or in bounce_notify_owner_on_removal, select No and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

How do I change the allowed maximum size of a message?

In the administration interface, go to General Options. In max_message_size, enter the size in kilobytes and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page. For no message size limit, enter "0".

List Management

What should I do if I receive an approval request for a message which is obviously spam?

Follow the link to the request approval page and select Discard. The message will be discarded silently and the spammer will not be notified of the undelivered message.

How can I see all the members of my list?

List members can be seen at (by default, the list administrator password is required).

How can I make the members' addresses appear in normal address form?

In the administration interface, go to Privacy options -> Subscription rules. In obscure_addresses, select No and press Submit Your Changes at the bottom of the page.

IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 11.6.2019
Updated: 10.7.2024