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Introduction to video services

Tampere University and TAMK

Our goal is to offer a diverse range of high-quality and user-friendly services enabling studying and working at the whole Higher Education Community of Tampere.

Panopto video platform and Microsoft 365 Teams and Zoom video meeting services were introduced during academic year 2019 – 2020. The old services Echo360, Moniviestin and Skype for Business were discontinued during academic year 2020 – 2021. Instructions how to use video services in teaching and meeting rooms: AV technologies of facilities

User limitations for remote tools

Online meetings, two-way video and audio for all users:

  • M365 Teams: 1000 participants.
  • Zoom: default 500 participants

Online broadcasting, streaming, web conferences where participants can only use text messaging:

Several performers in different locations:

  • M365 Teams Live Event: 10 000 participants, max 15 simultaneous TUNI events, duration max 4 hours.
  • Zoom web conference: 1000 participants, organizer can get the license from IT Helpdesk


One point of broadcast:

  • Panopto: thousands of participants (not tested).

Video services for video and remote meetings


Microsot 365 Teams

  • Video meetings if TUNI Groups and Teams if the group already uses them.
  • Internal video meetings of the Higher Education Community.


Zoom (Funet Miitti)

  • Educational video meetings.
  • Video meetings with users from outside the Higher Education Community.
  • Breakout rooms for group work during the meetings.


Video services for educational and instructional videos

Check also recording, editing and sharing videos


  • Videos produced on personal computer, basic editing features.

Camtasia Studio

  • Video editing software with additional charge and requires a computer-specific license.
  • Videos produced on a personal computer, versatile editing possibilities.

Microsoft 365 PowerPoint

  • PowerPoint presentation video recording.

Video services for sharing educational and instructional videos



  • Independently implemented recording and streaming of learning events on a personal computer or a computer in the lecture room.
  • Only one-way video and audio available.

Please note regarding sharing of videos: YouTube is suitable for sharing videos: TAMK staff can log in to YouTube using TUNI user account and password at

  • Marketing videos of the Higher Education Community directed to a worldwide audience
  • Managing videos of cooperative projects with partners from outside the Higher Education Community

If you want to publish an event in the YouTube channel of the Higher Education Community, please contact the Communications Services.

Examples on using video services:

CASE: Web meeting for 2 – 50 users

All users are from within the Higher Education Community and TUNI Groups and Teams are available

Teams online meetings

Some of the users come from outside the Higher Education Community

Zoom video meetings

The meeting is organized in a meeting system which is not available in the Higher Education Community

  • The meeting organizer provides the instructions
  • If needed, please contact the IT Helpdesk

The organizer of the meeting is responsible for the arrangements of the meeting. The organizer books a meeting room with video meeting possibilities.

CASE: Web meeting for more than 50 users (for example staff info)

Some of the users are from outside the Higher Education Community.

Zoom video meetings

The meeting is organized in a meeting system that is not available in the Higher Education Community

  • The meeting organizer will provide the instructions
  • If needed, please contact the IT Helpdesk

The organizer of the meeting is responsible for the meeting arrangements. The organizer books a meeting room with video meeting possibilities and contacts the Helpdesk if needed. (AV and video service support)

CASE: Lecture recording

The teacher wants to record a lecture as a review material for the students. The teacher wants to record it on a personal computer and publish it on Moodle.

Training video created by the teacher on own computer

The teacher wants to record a lecture as a review material for the students. The teacher wants to use the recording equipment at the lecture room and publish the lecture on Moodle.

Link to the instructions

CASE: Recording of an event

The organizer wants to offer a possibility to follow the event online and record it with only one-way sound and video connection (interactive dialog not available)

Link to the instructions

The organizer wants to offer a possibility to follow the event online and record it with a two-way audio and video connection (interactive dialog available)

Zoom video meetings

 CASE: Publishing videos

Your own videos, short video availability -> My Folder in Panopto 

My videos

Co-owned videos, videos managed by many persons -> Shared folder in Panopto

Shared/Co-owned videos


CASE: A student records an assignment on a personal computer

A student records an assignment on a personal computer and returns it to the teacher on Moodle.

Recording video assignments with a computer (students)

A student records an assignment on a mobile device and returns it to the teacher on Moodle.

Recording video assignments with a mobile device (students)

 CASE: A teacher gives feedback to a student on a video recording

A teacher gives feedback to a student on a video recording.

Creating a video assignment for students

CASE: A teacher wants to offer a possibility to participate in an interactive lecture online

A teacher presents a learning event with some of the students in the classroom and some online. Both the students in the classroom and the students online can participate in the conversation interactively.

Zoom video meetings

The teacher also wants the learning event to be recorded and shared on Moodle.

Uploading videos to Moodle course

Please note: a conference speakerphone is required in the classroom to make the speech of the online students audible in the classroom and the speech of the students in the classroom audible to the students online.

Case: The teacher arranges a theory and conversation session online

  • In a one-way theory session, the teacher gives a 20-minute presentation on the theory of the topic.
  • After this, a discussion begins, the connection is two-way and the students can comment on the topic. The teacher presents further questions for the students to discuss.
  • At the end, the teacher gives a one-way summary on the topic

Zoom video meetings

  • Three recordings are made of the lecture: the theory presentation, the discussion and the summary.
  • The teacher can use the recording of the theory presentation on later courses by providing the recording of the theory session beforehand to the students on a flipped classroom principle.
  • The links to the recordings are shared on Moodle so that students who didn’t attend the session or want to go through the lecture can easily view it on a mobile device as well.

Uploading videos to Moodle course


IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)



Published: 26.9.2019
Updated: 29.5.2024