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Nadja Nordling: Innovation ecosystems as tools for tackling societal challenges

Tampere University
LocationKanslerinrinne 1, Tampere
City centre campus, Pinni B building, auditorium 1096 and remote connection.
Date11.10.2024 12.00–16.00 (UTC+3)
Entrance feeFree of charge
Nadja Nordling speaks into a microphone.
In her doctoral dissertation, Nadja Nordling examines how innovation ecosystems can be leveraged to address critical societal challenges such as climate change and social inequality. By framing innovation ecosystems within the context of transformative innovation policy, her research offers insights into how these systems can promote sustainable development and systemic change.

Nadja Nordling provides an empirically grounded framework to clarify the development and operation of innovation ecosystems, addressing the often unclear application of the term. She highlights the pivotal role of diverse actors, including industry leaders, universities, and the public sector, in driving synergies and aligning their efforts with broader societal goals.

The dissertation emphasizes that for innovation ecosystems to succeed, they must coordinate complex interdependencies and foster collaboration around a central value proposition. Keystone actors play a critical role in these processes, guiding activities that contribute to meaningful societal transformations. Through action research and case studies, Nordling underscores the importance of dynamic engagement and aligning participant incentives with sustainability objectives.

“By creating inclusive structures that encourage collaboration, innovation ecosystems can contribute to solving society’s most pressing challenges,” Nordling states. Her analysis offers valuable guidance to policymakers on how to leverage these ecosystems to address major societal challenges, advocating for a shift from firm-centric, technology-driven approaches to more inclusive, sustainability-focused strategies.

Nordling, originally from Tampere, currently works as a Project Manager at the Council of Tampere Region, where she leads European-level projects focused on sustainability transitions, particularly in the areas of digital transformation and spinoff creation.

Public defence on Friday, 11 October 2024

MSc (Admin) Nadja Nordling’s doctoral dissertation in the field of management and business, titled Transformative Innovation Ecosystems: Fostering Innovation to Address Grand Challenges, will be publicly examined at the Faculty of Management and Business at Tampere University on Friday, 11 October 2024, at 12 o’clock. The venue is auditorium 1096 of the Pinni B building (address: Kanslerinrinne 1, Tampere). The Opponent will be Professor Joanna Chataway from University College London, United Kingdom. The Custos will be Docent Ilari Karppi from Tampere University.

The doctoral dissertation is available online

The public defence can be followed via a remote connection