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A collaborative platform for accelerating biomedical research and development through providing advanced microscopy services

A collaborative platform for accelerating biomedical research and development through providing advanced microscopy services” is a project financed by the European Regional Development Fund, aiming to expand cooperation between companies in the Pirkanmaa region and the light microscopy imaging services of the University of Tampere.

EU:n lippu ja vieressä teksti: "Euroopan unionin osarahoittama"vasemmalla logo ja oikealla teksti "Pirkanmaa council of Tampere region"


The University of Tampere conducts international level research in biomedicine, biotechnology, medicine and health technology. The Tampere Imaging Facility (TIF) located on the Kauppi campus plays a key role in this and offers top-class imaging solutions for bio, medical and materials science researchers. Currently, the infrastructure is used almost exclusively for academic purposes. 

Light microscopy is an important tool in medical and veterinary diagnostics, as well as in the characterization of different materials and devices. The Pirkanmaa region has a strong, ambitious and innovation-oriented ecosystem of companies and research organizations in the field of health technology and biosciences, and companies in the region could use the equipment and know-how of TIF's research infrastructure much more than at present. 

In addition to the current equipment, TIF participates in the development of new microscopy technology in cooperation with the Center for Immersive Visual Technology CIVIT and the Metaplasmonics research group. In the Pirkanmaa region, there are several companies specializing in camera and imaging technology, which are potential partners in this development activity, and which could use the technologies produced by the project in their products. 


This project has two main goals:

Opening the Tampere Imaging Facility's equipment and expertise to non-academic users 

The aim is to create a functional interface between companies in the Pirkanmaa area and the university, so that companies could also smoothly utilize the Tampere Imaging Facility’s equipment and know-how. This requires e.g. developing the processes of the facility and clarifying the needs of companies in the area in terms of imaging. The project includes also public proof-of-concept experiments and private pilot projects that are carried out with companies according to their exact needs. 

Development of modular light field microscopy technology 

The aim is to build a new modular light field microscopy system that enables fast three-dimensional imaging. This expands the resources of the University of Tampere's research infrastructure and enables new business collaboration experiments. The potential of the technology is demonstrated to interested companies through real measurements with customized settings and to establish a platform for further collaborative technology development. 


European Regional Development Fund

Coordinating organisation

Tampere Imaging Facility – light microscopy core

Tampere Imaging Facility is a light microscopy core facility in the University of Tampere. It offers researchers state-of-the-art equipment for high-resolution bioimaging. The center has several microscope systems, such as various confocal microscopes, a super-resolution microscope and wide-field microscopes. In addition to fluorescence microscopes, data processing and analysis stations are also available. TIF maintains and develops equipment, offers training to users, organizes imaging-related courses and actively participates in teaching at the University of Tampere.

More information about TIF and its equipment can be found on it’s website


The Metaplasmonics research group

The Metaplasmonics research group focuses on engineering the fundamental interaction between light and matter and applying this understanding to light trapping, energy collection and extraction, communication, and sensor applications. These studies involve novel metamaterial and plasmonic structures, and quantum materials; with reduced dimensions, improved performances, and unique functionalities.

Read more about the group on its website.



CIVIT (Centre for Immersive Visual Technologies) is a research infrastructure of the University of Tampere, which was founded in 2015 with funding from the Academy of Finland and the University of Tampere. CIVIT was established primarily for the research community, but they also have active cooperation with companies through projects, events and CIVIT's services. CIVIT's operations and expertise are focused on immersive technologies. The areas of expertise include advanced visualization of 3D content, 3D video and audio capture, immersive displays and immersive user experience. 

Read more about CIVIT on its website.
