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Commercialization and scaling of digital health solutions: DH2

Funded by the EU
Tampere University
Innovation Services
Duration of project11.9.2023–30.9.2024

DH2 creates a new interaction and development pace for the digital health solutions stakeholders of the Tampere Health ecosystem. Companies need methods to better understand the needs of the social and health sector and users to identify new business models, market references and validation for their new service concepts. The social and healthcare renewal brings changes to the production and structures of the social and health services and also emphasizes the role of the companies and service providers. To develop the innovation activities of the companies, the existing operational modes of PSHP must be utilized more. The role of the new wellbeing services county must be an enabler for the service development companies in the social and healthcare sector with the emphasis in observing the real needs of the customers. Similarly, the trials and uptake of commercial solutions must be expedited and made more efficient. The usability of the services should be secured with a joint development process involving the users, the social and healthcare units of the wellbeing service county and companies. Further, to avoid sustainability related problems of the social and healthcare sector, the use of preventive digital services has to be advanced.

Tampere region is the base for enterprise and innovation ecosystems with significant growth opportunities which are seen as crucial players providing key technical solutions for the health tech industry as the developers of System-on-a-chip (SoC), photonics and artificial intelligence (AI). These ecosystems in a rapid growth phase support in a significant role the product and service innovation development of the companies belonging to the Pirkanmaa region health ecosystem to address the above-mentioned challenges.

Tampere region continues developing into a regionally and internationally attractive development platform of sustainable data-based healthcare solutions. One of the goals of this project is to contribute to the growth of the Tampere region internationally significant healthcare related business as part of Finland’s fastest growing export sector as one of its key players. The operational model of this project is to deepen and expand the co-operation of the Tampere region healthcare stakeholders and develop it with special emphasis on the strengths of the ecosystem, the funding opportunities and the competencies nationally and internationally. Innovations will be advanced by coaching teams, supporting formation of various knowledge-based consortia and helping innovation teams to acquire access to the real and simulated test environments provided by the Tampere Health Testbeds. As a result of this project, at least 20 companies have participated in using RDI infrastructures.


European Regional Development Fund

Funding source

The Council of Tampere Region


Business Tampere, the economic development agency of the Tampere region, operator

Tampere University (TAU) co-operator

The Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa (Pirha) co-operator