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Digitalization of financial administration – changing work and learning. A study based on action research

Tampere University
Duration of project1.5.2024–30.4.2026
Area of focusSociety

The companies providing services of financial services are being digitalized, in other words they apply digital systems and devices, which changes the work in many ways. First, the variety of the tasks increases. In addition to the basic tasks in accounting, more tasks emerge, such as consulting. Second, the methods, devices and knowledge and expertise change. With this transformation, learning new competences related to the introduction of digital environment takes place, for the logics of work deviates from the traditional mode in financial administration.

The project applies action research – approach for producing research-based knowledge and using it for the development purpose. Working life studies, particularly on the relationship of technology and work and practice theory are applied in the research and peer-learning approach is applied in the processes of the development.


Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment


Trade Union Pro
Service Sector Employers Palta
Taloushallintoliitto ry

Work Research Centre

Work Research Centre (WRC) brings together working life researchers across disciplines. WRC is located within the Faculty of Social Sciences. The aim of WRC is to promoting research in various aspects of work and working life as well as to support graduate and post-graduate training.