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Educational technologies and the privatization of public education

Tampere University
Duration of project1.9.2021–31.12.2024
Area of focusSociety, Technology

This research analyzes the growing significance of educational technologies (ed-tech) in public education and its connection to the increasing influence of commercial actors.

The research analyzes ed-tech policy documents, interviews teachers, school administrators and ed-tech marketers and uses the methods of digital ethnography to investigate the use of ed-tech in public secondary schools. This provides an in-depth view into the interests and connections behind ed-tech and its often unexpected effects in schools.

The project produces new knowledge on an issue that is topical but not widely-researched, therefore making room for a much-needed discussion on the role of private actors in public education.


Research Council of Finland


Nelli Piattoeva, TAU
Maiju Paananen, VADA
Antti Saari, TAU
Ben Williamson, University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Neil Selwyn, Monash University, Australia