The MASI project resolves what the interaction between facts and feelings means for managing customer value and profitability, and how such interaction can be established.
The MASI project studies facts and feelings in interventionist case studies and interviews, in close cooperation with companies: the project conducts research in five innovative business networks (Molok, Finla, Evondos, Koja, Gasum).
There is a need for capabilities of analytical, visual and reflective methods in management accounting. They include clarifying ways of thinking, identifying underlying emotions, breaking old assumptions, and enabling new innovations. If we understand the interplay and the engagement of facts and feelings, we will be able to enhance fact-based value management.
The university partners of the project are Aalto University, University of Aarhus, and University of Basilicata / University of Arts London.
The project seeks to create a blueprint of new management accounting: widely and emotionally desirable, ergonomic and effective, durable and repairable.
We want to do the same for accounting, as Fiskars did to gardening tools.
Funding source
Tekes, project participant companies
Contact persons
Teemu J. Laine
Associate Professor (tenure track)
teemu.j.laine [at]