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Pirkanmaa Climate Action Lab

The Pirkanmaa Climate Action Lab (in Finnish Pirkanmaan Ilmastotoimintakeskus, PIK) is a joint operation between University of Helsinki and Tampere University, funded by The Council of Tampere Region and co-funded by the European Union. The Lab aims to help communities and businesses to find solutions for developing their practices towards increased environmental sustainability.

The purpose of the PIK is to deliver scientific knowledge to practical activities and to maintain discussion on climate-related topics among the stakeholders (e.g. small and medium-sized enterprises, municipalities, parishes and associations) in Pirkanmaa. Practial activites include co-creation workshops on different topics related to carbon neutrality and biodiversity. These practical activities are centered in the SMEAR II -station in Hyytiälä, some workshops are organized in Tampere. In addition, the PIK enables learning about new co-creation methods achieved from this practical work.

Logo, co-funded by the European Union.


European Regional Development Fund

Funding source

European Regional Development Funding of the Council of Tampere region


University of Helsinki (coordinator)