Social, Technical, Economic, Environmental and Political aspects on production development.
Research focus and goals
Our research group focuses on the following research themes: Future Production Strategies, Manufacturing ICT, Collaborative Robotics and Education research.
- The first theme includes topics such as Sustainable production development, Collaborative processes, and Circular economy (Re- and De-manufacturing).
- The second theme focuses on Smart manufacturing, Production UIs, Production planning and control (Manufacturing Operations Management), Digitalization in Manufacturing, and Manufacturing KPIs.
- Within the third theme, our group conducts research on Production Automation, Robot systems, Interactive human-machine collaboration and interfaces, Safety, Context-aware systems, Machine vision, Data mining from the machines and systems, Sliding Automation/Autonomy.
- On education we study e.g. Continuous learning, Pedagogics, Didactic systems, Phenomena-based learning, and Versatile education environments.
Our teaching in production systems and technologies relies strongly on high end learning environments like Robolab Tampere, Virtual FMS and Training Center