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Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems (SEIntS)/ Pori

SEIntS (Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems) tutkimusryhmä on Tampereen yliopiston Porin yksikön ohjelmistotekniikan koulutukseen, tutkimukseen ja alan kehittämistoimintaan erikoistunut yksikkö.

Research focus and goals

Software Engineering and Intelligent Systems is a research group in the Pori Unit of Tampere University. The group is specialized in education and research in the field of software engineering. The aim of the group's research is to develop new innovative solutions, tools and operating models. The focus is on research that improves business environments through sustainable ICT solutions and provides concrete examples and references for use by companies, partner organizations and the public sector. The research is driven by the needs of business and industry, where well-functioning software, application solutions and high-performance operations are the basis for achieving better competitiveness. The research partners are knowledge-intensive companies in the region (with an emphasis on SMEs), the public sector, and research and education organization

The teaching and education activities of the group are focused on:

  • The methods and management of the software development process
  • Programming for desktop, mobile and web platforms utilizing various programming languages
  • Software architectures
  • Software business
  • IoT and security

The research activities of the group are focused on:

  • Open software architectures and the interoperability of information systems
  • Promotion of digitalization by utilizing various software technologies
  • Mobile applications, network technologies and the utilization of spatial data
  • Embedded systems, sensor technologies and IoT (proof-of-concept and prototype development)
  • GreenICT and IT sustainability assessment
  • Development of teaching and learning environments (e-learning environments)

The research group organizes, manages and leads research and development projects, publishing activities and undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in partnership with businesses, the public sector, and other research and education institutes. The group also actively works with international software research networks and organizations.


The identification of research and development needs, piloting and the development of prototype applications are carried out in close cooperation with the project partners. The companies and public sector organizations in the area act as the main drivers and beneficiaries of the research work. A key objective is to develop, promote, support and improve the business activities and competitiveness of companies and organizations in the area. The solutions developed and piloted in the projects utilize and promote open, scalable and interoperable technologies applicable in a wide range of use cases. Through project activities, the group seeks to emphasize the societal impact of the university’s work by creating effective, goal-oriented and open interactions between the university and its stakeholders (including the private and public sectors).

The results of the research output are published regularly and comprehensively in the publication forums of the field - an activity that is considered a key output indicator and impact factor for university research. Furthermore, one of the group's strengths is its diverse international research collaboration, both in projects and in publishing, both of which can be seen as an essential element in achieving the broad impact and visibility required for research output.