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SOLVE - Advancing SOLid-state battery development and production to driVE the future of electromobility

The project acronym SOLVE stands for Advancing SOLid-state battery development and production to driVE the future of electromobility. SOLVE project aims to develop safer, durable, and more sustainable batteries targeted for the future mobility applications. For this, next-gen lithium-ion solid-state batteries Gen4b (LiM-SSB and AF-SSB) will be produced, developed and demonstrated up to TRL6.


Horizon Europe

Coordinating organisation

CIDETEC Energy Storage (ES)


SAFT (FR), Arkema (FR), Centro ricerche Fiat (IT), Pipistrel (SI), CEA (FR), Pulsedeon (FI), Accurec recycling (DE), Delfort (AT), Politecnico Di Torino (IT), Tampere University (FI), Fraunhofer IKTS (DE), EMPA (CH), Oerlikon (CH), Lomartov (ES), Tenerrdis (FR)