The Urban Planning Research Group is committed to understanding the transformation of urban communities and generating knowledge that supports urban planning and the development of urban policies.
Our research interests focus on urban development, complex and dynamic communities and their modelling, the history of the modern city, wellbeing in an urban environment and the Finnish urban planning system. We actively contribute to public debate in the areas of urban planning and development. In addition, we work with and provide expert services to municipalities, cities, urban regions, the Finnish Government and other stakeholders.
Research focus and goals
The Urban Planning and Research Group has a mission for Tampere University to establish a national reputation for excellence in urban research. To this end, we are committed to collaboration that cuts across disciplinary and departmental boundaries and are seeking to become established as an international hub of expertise in urban planning research.
The Urbanization, Mobilities and Immigration project (URMI, explores the drivers of urbanisation and alternative scenarios for the future.
The Urban Education Live project (UEL, delves into the future of urban societies from the perspective of shrinking cities and marginal communities.
The ADELE2 project examines how living in an urban environment affects our immune system and develops scalable and eco-friendly methods for improving people’s health.
Other members
Herman Mitish, visiting researcher
Jens Brandt, visiting researcher
Damiano Cerrone, project researcher
Jenni Partanen, visitor
Virpi Palomäki, project manager
Kaisu Kuusela, project researcher
Álvaro Corredor Ochoa, project researcher
Aleksandra Zarek, visitor