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Research collaboration with Tampere University

Tampere University has a long history of collaborating with companies and organisations. We have a wealth of multidisciplinary expertise and an extensive network of international contacts, which enable us to not only develop new solutions with a wide range of application areas but also offer our partners the opportunity to tap into our world-leading research expertise. If you are interested in joining our research projects, please contact the leader of a relevant research group. Our Collaboration Services team can also help you find the right partner for your project. Contact details are available further down this page.

Collaborations involving the University and one partner organisation

Tailored support for addressing your organisation’s specific R&D needs or problems

Does your organisation have R&D needs or a problem you are looking to solve? If you have a specific problem with a narrow scope, you can commission our students to write a thesis/dissertation or conduct a research project for you. You can also use our free Industry Puzzles Friday service that connects you with our academic experts. They will help you find solutions to practical challenges facing your organisation.

Read more about commissioning a thesis or a research project from our students

Read more about commissioning a doctoral dissertation from the Doctoral School of Industry Innovations (DSII)

Read more about Industry Puzzles Friday

Contract research – bespoke solutions for your business needs

Contract research focuses on finding a tailored solution that will specifically benefit your company. Contract research projects are fully funded by the client company. Companies can apply for funding for contract research projects, for example, from Business Finland or the EU

What is contract research?

  • The client company sets the goals for the contract research project.
  • The client company owns the research or R&D results and any intellectual property created during the project.
  • The project can be conducted in the client company’s facilities or on campus.
  • Academic goals take a back seat.
  • The University and the client company will agree on the publication of possible research papers on a case-by-case basis.

Strategic partnerships create lasting value for both partners

A strategic partnership is a relationship between the University and an external organisation that:

  • supports the strategic agenda and core operations of both partners;
  • pools together the expertise of more than one faculty at Tampere University;
  • is extensive in terms of volume;
  • encompasses various forms of collaboration and provides a meaningful framework for research, development and innovation activities as well as learning and teaching.

Research projects involving multiple organisations

Co-creation and collaboration platforms

Collaboration platforms bring together people and organisations that are interested in similar research and development themes. The platforms facilitate brainstorming, the development of innovations and the building of intellectual capital. They help to expand and deepen collaboration between our specialists, researchers, students and external organisations. We have a broad range of discipline-specific collaboration platforms as well as the multidisciplinary Kampusklubi. Each platform employs a different operating model. What they have in common is a culture of experimentation, a multidisciplinary approach, and the sharing of knowledge and expertise.

Read more about our many collaboration platforms and find your community

Co-funding – make a small contribution towards project costs to join a large-scale research project

Part of the funding for co-funded research projects comes from public sources, such as Business Finland or the EU. A special emphasis is therefore placed on the scientific goals of the projects.

What is co-funded research?

  • The preparations and pre-award phase may take more than 12 months.
  • Projects usually last anywhere from one to four years.
  • Projects involve several companies and research institutions.
  • The results are generally made publicly available.
  • The parties enter into a separate agreement concerning the protection and utilisation of the results and related compensation.

Research consortia and ecosystems

A research consortium or a research ecosystem comprises multiple stakeholders, such as companies, organisations, academic institutions, educational institutions and research institutions. The defining feature is that the partners have shared goals for their research and development activities. Research consortia and ecosystems may receive funding, for example, from Business Finland or the EU.

Innovation services and the commercialisation of research results

Tampere University’s Innovation Services help our researchers utilise the results of their research and find partners they can work with to increase the societal impact of their research. The commercialisation of research findings is one way to make a positive impact on society. Our Innovation Services offer collaboration opportunities for investors, companies and business developers interested in research innovations.

State-of-the-art laboratories and facilities support research and R&D

Tampere University is home to a wide range of specialist research facilities, laboratories, databases and resources that support the work of our researchers and students. Many of these resources are also available for use or for hire to external companies and organisations.

Principles of research and development collaboration

Our research and development activities are carried out to the highest ethical standards and in line with the principles of responsible research and good scientific practice. We are committed to openness, the free exchange of ideas, sustainable development, non-discrimination and equality.

Make a donation to support research

Investing in research and education is the best way to ensure that people, society and the planet have a future. As a donor, you are helping us create fresh ideas and novel solutions that have a positive impact on society.