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Opiskelijat ja yritykset tekevät yhteistyötä

Commission a thesis or a project work

By cooperating with students, companies get access to fresh new ideas and creative solutions to their topical problems. Cooperation also promotes students’ learning and improves their working life skills. Student cooperation is a convenient way to find and sample the best new talent for your company.

Contact us to get information about student cooperation

Suggest a thesis or project subject by contacting Career Services at Tampere University.

You can send us an email at careerservices.tau [at]

Suggest a thesis or project subject by contacting career services at Tampere University of Applied Sciences.

You can send us an email at careerservices.tamk [at]

Other opportunities to collaborate and cocreate with our students

Kampusklubi - collaboration platform for companies, students and academics.

Kampusklubi offers its members access to an international scientific community and talent pool. For companies, membership provides an opportunity to build brand visibility and strengthen their employer image at Tampere Universities community. Kampusklubi offers also open events for non-members.