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TAMK Student's Handbook

AVOP questionnaire

AVOP – Gradu and feedback questionnaire asks graduating students to evaluate and provide feedback on their education. The findings are used locally by institutions to improve their institutional processes and practices and nationally to inform performance-based monitoring and funding. All graduating degree students from universities of applied sciences are requested to fill out the questionnaire (except Police University College).

Giving AVOP feedback

The feedback survey is answered in VALO-system in PAKKI.

Please log into the feedback survey through HAKA. If you have logged into the computer with TAMK username and password, select Tampere Universities (Tampereen korkeakoulut) in the pull-down menu. If you are outside TAMK network, log into the survey with TAMK username and password.

In problem situations, please contact your own coordinator (firstname.lastname [at] or the Study Administration, palvelupiste.tamk [at] (palvelupiste[dot]tamk[at]tuni[dot]fi) if your ISP inspector's name can not be found from the application. In case of a malfunction in the system itself, please contact it-helpdesk [at]

NB: Students need to have completed 80 % (bachelor's degrees) or 50 % (master's degrees) of the required credits before it is possible to answer to the survey.


Published: 22.3.2019
Updated: 17.8.2024