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TAMK Student's Handbook

Check-list for graduation



Fill in the certificate application a minimum of two weeks before the intended graduation day. Degree certificate and certificate applications will be filled in the Graduation Application -system in Pakki. The date on which you send the application to your Study Affairs Coordinator is the date on which the application is submitted. Make sure that the date on which the application is submitted is the deadline date or the date before the deadline for the date you want to graduate.

1. Start the graduation process in Pakki using the Valo Graduation Application -system (Pakki > Studies > Graduation Application) by filling in the AVOP-survey (use Haka-login and Tampere Universities as your organisation). Start filling in the AVOP questionnaire after all of your studies are completed fully.

1. Professional Teacher Education student will start the graduation process in Pakki just by filling out the application. 

2. Fill in the degree certificate application in Graduation Application -system.

3. Submit your reviewed thesis on Theseus. More info:

4. Return key cards and tools you have borrowed

5.Download the certificate from the download link you received in your personal email. Check that your personal email address in PAKKI is valid.


More detailed instructions:

  • Check your personal study plan with your student counsellor, teacher in charge or teacher tutor.
  • Make sure well in advance that you have completed all compulsory courses in all study modules and enough free-choice studies and that their grades have been entered into the student administration system. Also, make the necessary final accreditation applications (e.g. online studies) well in advance so that you can graduate on the day of your desired graduation.
  • Respond to the student feedback survey (AVOP) and send in the degree certificate application a minimum of two weeks before the intended graduation day (exceptions in December and June) to your study affairs coordinator. 
  • Check in Pakki that your name is spelled correctly (including all first names). Your name will be entered from the student administration system to the degree certificate. If your name needs to be corrected, please contact your study affairs coordinator. Check your contact information in Pakki.
  • The degree certificate is not given to you before you have submitted your thesis to the library (submitting your thesis to the Theseus is the same thing).
  • If you made your thesis as a project to a company or community, you may be eligible to apply for a grant from TAMK's R&D fund. Ask for more information from Representative from the Tampere University of Applied Sciences Foundation (Johanna Niemonen).
  • Remember that your TUNI email address and username expire in 7 days after graduation. NB: Access to PAKKI will expire after the graduation day. Students will be informed by email 7 days before the username expires.
  • Return any keys and tools you have borrowed according to the instructions given.
  • Return any study material or equipment you have borrowed. 
  • Check when degree certificates can be collected at Graduation timetables in Student's Guide. NB: There is no graduation day in July.
  • TAMK is handing over only electronic certificates since the graduation day of 31 January 2022. The electronic certificate can be downloaded via the download link that you will receive to your personal email address within 14 days of graduation. The download link is sent on the day of completion. System will send the links from 8 am to 8 pm (in every hour, eg. 8 am, 9 am, 10 am, 2 pm).  Check that your personal email address in PAKKI is valid.
  • If you want a certified copy of your certificate  to be mailed out to you as a registered letter:
  • Apply for a right to practice as a health care professional in Valvira's electronic service within 30 days of graduation. Note: you can not apply for the right before your graduation day.
  • Join TAMK’s alumni network directly on your graduation application form or Alumni Calling -webpage to redeem your graduation gift. You may also want to check out field specific alumni guilds, associations and clubs.

  • If you wish to stay in Finland after graduation and require an extended residence permit, you can apply based on employment (if you already have a job) or to find employment (no job lined up yet). More information on Migri website

About your user account and email

  • Your user account expires 14 days after the end of your right to study. Please check the validity of your user account at service.
  • The email address related to your user account also expires at the same time. It is not possible to set a forwarding address or an automatic reply for your expired email address.
  • NB! The contents of the home directory related to the email account will also be destroyed so please make sure to make copies of the materials you may still need.
  • Your other rights associated with the user account (additional user rights) expire immediately at the end of your right to study.
  • Archive the necessary emails on your own computer as well as Moodle documents, for example.
  • Check possible student licenses

More information: IT services when right to study ends


Published: 27.2.2019
Updated: 14.5.2024