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Tampere University Student's Handbook

Student's Compass (Opiskelijan Kompassi)

The Student’s Compass is a research-based virtual well-being and life skills programme developed by the University of Jyväskylä in Finland.

Sign into Student’s Compass with your TUNI's username and password. 

The Student’s Compass (Opiskelijan Kompassi in Finnish) offers new perspectives and practical tools to everyday problems students encounter in their studies. The web-based programme consists of various themes and exercises that are available as both text and voice or video recordings.

What is Student's Compass?

The programme is based on value-, acceptance- and mindfulness-related methods. The programme aims to

  • promote students’ psychological, social, and emotional well-being,
  • find ways to prevent and alleviate stress, tension, anxiety, and mood problems,
  • encourage self-development and self-care,
  • introduce students to issues that are important and meaningful to them, and
  • help students to cope more effectively with the challenges of academic studies, such as problems with concentration, execution of tasks, and motivation.

The programme gives students the opportunity to practice

  • skills for coping with thoughts and emotions,
  • mindfulness and observation skills, 
  • self-awareness and self-development skills,
  • identifying their own values and goal setting, and
  • self-care and recovery skills.

Completing the Student’s Compass (Opiskelijan kompassi in Finnish) online program increases well-being and reduces study exhaustion, anxiety and stress

The Student’s Compass online programme has been evaluated in the summer 2022 and  2023 by Tampere University. 

Summer 2022: Completing the Student’s Compass (Opiskelijan kompassi in Finnish) online program increases well-being and reduces study exhaustion, anxiety and stress (

Summer 2023: Completing the Student’s Compass (Opiskelijan kompassi in Finnish) online program increases well-being – positive changes in life remain after completion of the course (

The changes in well-being, symptom and process indications have been statistically very significant between the initial and final questionnaires. The use of Student's Compass online programme

The changes in well-being, symptom and process indications

  • increased well-being and reduced study exhaustion, depression, anxiety, stress and experiences of loneliness
  • improved awareness skills, increased psychological flexibility and life began to change according to own values

Furthermore, the University of Jyväskylä has conducted research on the effectiveness of the Student’s Compass. Active participation in the programme has been shown to reduce stress symptoms and depression. The programme can also have a positive impact on students’ emotional, social, and psychological well-being as well as help to improve self-esteem and increase mindfulness skills and life satisfaction. Read more information about the research related to Student’s Compass (the website of the Univerisity of Jyväskylä).


The Student’s Compass can be used independently or with support in every period

Students can use the Student’s Compass at their own pace, independently and anonymously. Independent use of the online programme is free of charge for all students at Tampere University.

Students can earn ECTS for using the programme by completing the independent Student Wellbeing and Life Skills study unit (1 credit). More information about the wellbeing coaching and support groups will come later.

Read more The Student’s Well-being and Life Skills course which is available in every study period.


Current information and schedules for the academic year 2024-2025

1st period - Independent implementation (1 ECTS) in English is available

The requirements for completing the Student Well-Being and Life Skills course (Aug 26 - Oct 13, 2024) include active independent use of the Student Compass online programme and answering well-being and feedback surveys.

It is possible for you also to participate in the Support Sessions. The lecture 'Introduction to Student's Compass' will be held  on Thursday 29.8. at 14.15. - 15.00 on Zoom. The Conversational Compass Workshop will be organized on Wednesday  9.10. at 14.15 - 15.15 in Navigaattori space of Linna building. 

More detailed information about the implementation and the support sessions can be found in the course description in Curriculum and in the Intra news item. Sign up for the course on 25.8.2024 at the latest. 


2nd period - Independent implementation (1 ECTS) in English is available

The requirements for completing the Student Well-Being and Life Skills course (Oct 21 - Dec 8, 2024) include active independent use of the Student Compass online programme and answering well-being and feedback surveys.

It is possible for you also to participate in the Support Sessions. The lecture 'Introduction to Student's Compass' will be held  on Wednesday 23.10. at 14.15. - 15.00 on Zoom. The Conversational Compass Workshop will be organized on Wednesday  4.12. at 14.15 - 15.15 in Navigaattori space of Linna building. 

More detailed information about the implementation and the support sessions can be found in the course description in Curriculum and in the Intra news item. Sign up for the course on 20.10.2024 at the latest


3rd period - Independent implementation (1 ECTS) in English is available

The requirements for completing the Student Well-Being and Life Skills course (Jan 7 - Feb 23, 2025) include active independent use of the Student Compass online programme and answering well-being and feedback surveys.

It is possible for you also to participate in the Support Sessions. The lecture 'Introduction to Student's Compass' will be held  on Thursday 9.1. at 14.15. - 15.00 on Zoom. The Conversational Compass Workshop will be organized on Tuesday  11.2. at 15.30 - 16.30 in Navigaattori space of Linna building. 

More detailed information about the implementation and the support sessions can be found in the course description in Curriculum and in the Intra news item. Sign up for the course on 6.1.2025 at the latest


4th period - Independent implementation (1 ECTS) in English is available

The requirements for completing the Student Well-Being and Life Skills course (Mar 3 - Apr 27, 2025) include active independent use of the Student Compass online programme and answering well-being and feedback surveys.

It is possible for you also to participate in the Support Sessions. The lecture 'Introduction to Student's Compass' will be held  on Tuesday 4.3. at 14.15. - 15.00 on Zoom. The Conversational Compass Workshop will be organized on Tuesday  15.4. at 15.30 - 16.30 in Navigaattori space of Linna building. 

More detailed information about the implementation and the support sessions can be found in the course description in Curriculum and in the Intra news item. Sign up for the course on 2.3.2025 at the latest


Piloting and implementation of the Student’s Compass at Tampere University

More information, contact address: opiskelijankompassi.tau [at] (opiskelijankompassi[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi) 


Contact persons 

Mauri Inkinen, Study psychologist

Education and Learning | Education and Learning Development Services
Email mauri.inkinen(at)

Suvi-Päivikki Ikonen, Senior specialist

Education and Learning | Education and Learning Development Services
Email suvi.ikonen(at)
Phone +358503011948

Erika Säynässalo, Coordinator
Education and Learning | Education and Learning Development Services
Email: erika.saynassalo(at) 
Phone: +358503186681  

Published: 5.9.2021
Updated: 5.6.2024