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Language requirements

When you apply to a bachelor’s programme at Tampere University, you must submit evidence that you have a good command of the English language for academic purposes. You have two options for demonstrating your English language proficiency: language tests OR previous studies. In both cases you must submit a document as a proof of language skills. Please see detailed instructions and additional information below.

Language tests

Please note to book a language test well in advance. There might not be many test dates available or they may get fully booked early.

When applying to a bachelor's programme in the joint application to higher education, the language test must be completed no later than the application deadline (to be announced later). The results may be delivered to Tampere University afterwards. If you have already taken the test, please note that the test score must be valid at least until (date to be announced later). Upload your language test result to the online application. Tampere University will verify all language test results online.

If you are applying in other application rounds (i.e. open university route applications, transfer applications, MAOL competition in Finland), you will need to follow the deadlines of each application round accordingly.

Accepted language tests, required minimum results and detailed instructions

Exemptions based on previous studies

An exemption from submitting a language test score is possible only based on the studies specified and listed by Tampere University that demonstrate your good command of the English language for academic purposes. If you are applying without a valid language test result, carefully examine the exemption criteria below. Only studies that fulfil the stated criteria will be accepted. 

Detailed information concerning the studies and instructions on how and what documents to submit is listed below.

Detailed instructions on accepted previous studies