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Doctoral Programme in Medicine, Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering

Tampere University

Interdisciplinary high-quality research for health

The Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology invests in high-quality research. The Doctoral Programme aim to produce excellent, innovative, internationally known and impressive research data and new innovations that can be used in health care and society more broadly.


Postgraduate degree (University)

Degree earned

Doctor of Health Sciences
Doctor of Medical Science
Doctor of Philosophy
Doctor of Science (Technology)

Planned duration

4 years



Central to the expertise of the Doctoral Programme in Medicine, Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering are clinical medicine, biomedicine, translational research, molecular biology, bioinformatics and systems biology, cell & tissue technology, biomaterials, biomedical equipment and technology, biophysics and health technology. In these areas of focus, the programme offers internationally high levels of education and produces PhDs, which are competitive researchers and experts both at home and abroad. In the program, all research is international, and many students apply from abroad. 

Graduates from the Programme have smoothly transitioned to working life. The training also includes study modules on general professional skills, such as written and oral communication skills, and project management, problem solving and teamwork skills. Doctoral education contributes to the development of new biomedical devices and related methods, medical skills required in patient care, and the development and evidence-based utilization of new therapies.

Carefully read through the admissions requirements in before applying. For additional questions on applying, application documents and application process, please contact our Admissions office. For questions regarding the content of the programme, please contact met.doc.tau [at] (met[dot]doc[dot]tau[at]tuni[dot]fi).

To find a responsible supervisor, start by contacting one of the professors on the faculty research group page. Once you've found a responsible supervisor, consider together other possible supervisors or members of a follow-up group.