Intelligent Microsystems, 50 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Jukka Lekkala, Pasi Kallio

Learning Outcomes

- The aim of the major in Intelligent Microsystems is to provide students with a competitive advantage in their careers by providing them knowledge on a field of new technology (microsystems) together with algorithmic know-how (machine intelligence). The goal is that students can provide added value in their future careers by being able to design intelligent systems which utilize microsystem technologies.

After completing the study module, a student
- is able to combine know-how on measurement data analysis methods or modern control methods with know-how on microsystems,
- is able to design, model, simulate, test and apply microsensors, microactuators and microfluidic structures and understands their physical principles and the specifications of corresponding commercial products,
- is able to start doctoral studies in microsystems or an R&D career in industry.
- is able to write technical reports and scientific publications and give technical presentations in English,
- is familiar with the basic principles of microfabrication, understands the potential and limitations of the different methods and can design simple fabrication processes,
- is familiar with the characterization methods of microscale components and is able to use basic devices,
- is familiar with the concept of scaling effect and understands the consequences in different microtechnology domains,


Study block Credit points Mandatory/Advisable
Automation Engineering 30 cr Mandatory

ASE-2316 Introduction to Microsystem Technology; if the course does not belong to prerequisite studies of the student, the course must be included in the study module. ( Mandatory )


Compulsory courses

The course ASE-7016 Master's Thesis Seminar in Automation Science and Engineering must be included in this study block.

Course Credit points Additional information Class
ASE-3016 Microactuators and Active Actuator Materials 5 cr V  
ASE-3036 Microsensors 5 cr IV  
ASE-3056 Design of Microsensors 5 cr V  
ASE-3076 Microfluidics 5 cr IV  
ASE-7116 Project Study in Automation Science and Engineering 2-8 cr 1 V  
Total 22 cr    

1. Project study must be oriented to microsystem technology

Optional Compulsory Courses

Course Credit points Class
ASE-2316 Introduction to Microsystem Technology 5 cr IV  

Complementary Courses

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 50 ETCS

Course Credit points Additional information Class
ASE-2116 Systems and Control 5 cr IV  
ASE-2411 Johdatus systeemien hallintaan 5 cr 1 IV  
ASE-2610 Johdatus automaation tietotekniikkaan 5 cr 1 IV  
ASE-4040 Systeemien hallinnan algoritmit 5 cr IV  
ASE-4060 Systeemien hallinnan kehittyneet menetelmät 5 cr V  
ASE-4080 Systeemien hallinnan case study 5 cr V  
ASE-6030 Automaation reaaliaikajärjestelmät 5 cr V  
ASE-7410 Kuvaan perustuvat mittaukset 5 cr V  
ASE-7516 Dynamic Planning with Incomplete Information 5 cr V  
ASE-7536 Model-Based Estimation 5-7 cr IV  
ASE-7716 Predictive and Fuzzy Control 5 cr V  
ASE-7816 Biosensors 5 cr 2 V  
ASE-7836 Optical Methods in Bioanalytics 4 cr 2 V  
MEI-56606 Machine Vision 5 cr 2 IV  

1. Only one of the courses ASE-2411 and ASE-2610 can be included into the study module
2. Only two of the courses ASE-7816, ASE-7836 and MEI-56606 can be included into the study module

Updated by: Andersson Kirsi, 24.03.2017