Biomedical Engineering, intermediate studies as elective studies, 20 cr

Type of the study module

Intermediate Studies


Jonathan Massera, Pasi Kallio, Jari Hyttinen

Learning Outcomes

- Students have a good command in the basics of human anatomy and physiology, and in physics of the human body, and they can apply this knowledge in the advanced biomedical engineering courses.
- Students know the basics of biomaterials used in medical devices.
- Students understand the physical interaction mechanisms utilized in medical instrumentation systems.


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
BMT-61116 Human Anatomy and Physiology 5 cr IV  
BMT-61217 Biomedical Engineering Principles 5 cr IV  
BMT-61227 Medical Biomaterials 5 cr IV  
Total 15 cr  

Complementary Courses

Please select at least 5 credits of courses

Course Credit points
BMT-2316 Introduction to Microsystem Technology 5 cr
BMT-51016 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology 5 cr
BMT-70116 Tissue Engineering Basics 5 cr

Additional information

This module is intended especially for international students.

Biomedical Engineering is a very wide and multidisciplinary field of engineering applications in medicine. Biomedical Engineering minor gives a solid background to understand the anatomic structure and physiological and physical functioning of the human body and to apply this knowledge in engineering courses. It gives a theoretical introduction to and practicing with medical instrumentation, signals and images, physiological modeling, as well as biomaterials.

Contact person: Pasi Kallio

Only intended as a minor

Updated by: Väisänen Outi, 22.02.2019