Factory Automation and Industrial Informatics, 30 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Jose Martinez Lastra

Learning Outcomes

- Knowledge of the following disciplines and technologies, including methodologies and tools which permit them to adapt to new scenarios creating new solutions:

- Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Collaboration
- Discrete Event Dynamic Systems
- Programmable Automation Controllers
- Factory Communication and Information Systems
- Distributed Automation Systems
- Engineering applications of Artificial Intelligence within the factory automation domain, in particular Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Machines
- Integration of software-intensive Automation Systems
- To Apply: Facts, Rules, Concepts for Problem-solving and Decision-making Skills, ensuring Ethical Responsibilities
- To Communicate orally and in writing on knowledge, ideas, results and conclusions related to the field of industrial automation.
- To Work in Multi-National and -Disciplinary Context and Convey their Knowledge and Abilities.
- To recognise specific standards and international regulations applicable to the factory automation domain.


Study block Credit points Mandatory/Advisable
Automation Engineering 30 cr Advisable


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
ASE-9317 Industrial Informatics 5 cr IV  
ASE-9407 Robot Manipulators: Modeling, Control and Programming 5 cr IV  
ASE-9427 Distributed and Intelligent Automation Systems 5 cr IV  
ASE-9457 Industrial Communication Systems 5 cr IV  
Total 20 cr  

Complementary Courses

Choose at least 10 credits of courses from one of the four groups (1-4). In the EXTENDED MAJOR the courses MAT-61806 and TIE-02207 are compulsory. Choose one of groups of courses and complete the module's 50 credits with courses from other groups.

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 30 ETCS

Course Credit points Additional information
ASE-9517 Special Assignment in Factory Automation 5-10 cr 5
ASE-9557 Special Assignment in Industrial Informatics 5-10 cr 5
BMT-2316 Introduction to Microsystem Technology 5 cr 4
BMT-3036 Microsensors 5 cr 4
BMT-47606 Radio Frequency Identification Technology 5 cr 4
MAT-61806 Optimisation and Statistical Data Analysis 5 cr 2
SGN-13006 Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 5 cr 2
SGN-41007 Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 5 cr 2
SGN-44006 Artificial Intelligence 5 cr 2
TIE-02207 Programming 2: Basics 5 cr 1
TIE-05216 Introduction to Embedded Systems 5 cr 4
TIE-20106 Data Structures and Algorithms 5 cr 1
TIE-21107 Software Engineering Methodologies 5 cr 1
TIE-50307 Real-time systems 5 cr 4
TIE-52107 Internet of Things 5 cr 3
TLO-35247 Data and Software Business 5 cr 3
TLO-35257 Data and Information Management 5 cr 3

1. Software and Data-intensive Factory Automation Systems
2. AI foundations for enhancing Factory Automation Systems
3. Software-inspired Business Models for Factory Automation Systems
4. Emerging Technologies for Factory Automation Systems
5. Advanced Knowledge and Hands-on experience on Factory Automation and Industrial Informatics

Additional information

The objective of this major block is to provide students with scientific and technical knowledge, as well as practical abilities in the various areas of factory automation in general, and in Industrial Informatics in particular.

After completion of the Major block (30 cu), the student can gain advanced knowledge by pursuing the Extended Major block (50 cu). The extended major block offers a wide range of courses in order to point the student towards one of the following future career paths:
1- Software and Data-intensive Factory Automation Systems
2. AI foundations for enhancing Factory Automation Systems
3. Software-inspired Business Models for Factory Automation Systems
4. Emerging Technologies for Factory Automation Systems
5. Advanced Knowledge and Hands-on Experience on Factory Automation and Industrial Informatics Systems

Contact person for the study module is professor Jose L. Martinez Lastra.

Updated by: Ojanperä Heidi, 11.12.2019