Course Catalog 2008-2009

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2008-2009

Radio Frequency Electronics

Type of the study block

Major Studies


Olli-Pekka Lunden


- Students are able to operate as an expert in the field of radio frequency electronics.
- Students learn to recognize, manage, and use the scientific and professional concepts of the field.
- Students reach the readiness to scientific post-graduate education.

Degrees the study block may be included in

Radio Frequency Electronics - International Master's Student-Radio Frequency Electronics


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points Class
ELE-6056 Basics of RF and microwave electronics 8 cr I  
ELE-6256 Active RF Circuits 5 cr II  
ELE-6286 RF Project 10-11 cr II  
SMG-8306 Transmission lines and waveguides 7 cr I  
TLT-1766 Communications engineering thesis seminar presentation 0 cr II  
TLT-6206 Radio Propagation in Wireless Networks 3 cr II  
TLT-6306 RF Equipment for Wireless Networks 3 cr II  
Total 36 cr  

Supplemental courses

Course Credit points Class
SMG-8506 Antennas 8 cr II  
TLT-5406 Digital Transmission 7 cr II  
TLT-5506 Communication Systems Laboratory Course 5-9 cr II  
TLT-5806 Receiver Architectures and Signal Processing 5-7 cr II  
TLT-8107 Basic Communication Circuits - 2 7 cr II  
TLT-8207 Communication Circuits & Modules - 1 8 cr II  
TLT-8307 RF-ASIC Design - 1 7 cr II  
TLT-8507 Communication Circuits & Modules - 2 9 cr II  
Total 56 cr  

Additional information

Esitietovaatimuksena muille kuin Masters Degree in Radio Frequency Electronics opiskelijoille on yksi seuraavista aineopintokokonaisuuksista: Elektroniikan aineopinnot, Moderni sähköenergiatekniikka, Sähköfysiikka, Teknillinen fysiikka tai Tietoliikennetekniikka.

Last modified07.08.2008
ModifierSusanna Ketola