Course Catalog 2012-2013

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Course Catalog 2012-2013

Information Technology - International Master's Student-Master of Science in Information Technology

Master of Science in Information Technology


Head of the Degree Programme: Jarmo Takala
Study Coordinator: Elina Orava

Learning outcomes

- For the degree of master of science in information technology the student:
- - attains a competence to apply his/her scientific knowledge acquired during advanced studies to topical and concrete tasks within the ICT field.
- - attains a competence to use his/her language, communication and cooperation skills in working life and to apply them to scientific activities in an international and multicultural environment.
- - attains a competence to operate in expert, development and managerial positions in his/her area of specialization within the ICT field, showing a professional and ethical responsibility in the tasks.
- - attains the competence to participate in societal debate pertaining to his/her respective field.
- - attains a solid basis for doctoral education within the ICT area. S/he is able to identify his/her need for additional knowledge taking responsibility for continuous learning.


Common Core Studies, 15 cr

Learning outcomes

- To gain a general insight to common branches of information technology.
- To gain an extensive prerequisite knowledge for pursuing subject studies in the field of information technology.
- To gain adequate language, communication and cooperation skills and readiness to cooperate in a multidisciplinary community.

Compulsory courses

The extent of basic and common studies is 15 credits. The compulsory courses of 8 credits are listed above. In addition, the student selects freely additional courses from the list of complementary courses to complete at least the minimum requirement of 15 credits.

Course Credit points Alternativity Class
OHJ-1156   Programming II 5 cr 1   I  
OHJ-2056   Principles of Programming Languages 5 cr 1   I  
SGN-1158   Introduction to Signal Processing, short version 3 cr 2   I  
SGN-1159   Introduction to Signal Processing, long version 5 cr 2   I  
Total 18 cr    

1. Either of these courses must be taken. If you are majoring in Software Systems, you have to take OHJ-2056.
2. Either of these courses must be taken. If you are majoring in Signal Processing or Multimedia, you have to take SGN-1159.

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (15)

Course Credit points Class
KIE-1056   Finnish for Beginners 1 3 cr I  
KIE-1076   Finnish for Beginners 2 3 cr I  
KIE-3377   Scientific Writing in English 3 cr I  
KIE-9306   Introduction to Intercultural Communication 5 cr I  
MAT-41196   Graph Theory 6 cr I  
MAT-45706   Introduction to scientific computing 3 cr I  
SGN-2016   Digital Linear Filtering I 5 cr I  
TKT-3416   Computer Architecture 7 cr I  
TLT-1406   Introduction to Communications Engineering 3 cr I  
TLT-2316   Computer Networking I 5 cr I  

Additional information

Basic and common programme studies aim at offering the students a common ground in their studies and orienting them towards other degree modules, which concentrate on more specialized professional skills. These studies provide a broad view of information and ensure that students will have the necessary skills to follow courses in each branch of information technology. Basic and common studies are common to all students in the International Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology.

Major Studies

Study block Credit points
Communication Systems and Networks 30 cr
Computational Systems Biology 30 cr
Digital and Computer Electronics 30 cr
Human-Technology Interaction 30 cr
Mathematics 30 cr
Multimedia 30 cr
Positioning and Navigation 30 cr
Signal Processing 30 cr
Software Systems 30 cr

Minor Studies

Study block Credit points
Information Technology 25 cr

Elective Studies, 20 cr

Compulsory courses

"Optional studies" is not a compulsory degree module as such but a label for courses, for instance, which can't be included into any other degree module, or prerequisite studies, the knowledge of which is required or recommended to have before taking a more advanced course. Since a good command of the English language is one of the admission requirements for the programme, courses of this language can't be included in the M.Sc. degree. Likewise, courses of the student's native language(s) can't be accepted.

Master's Thesis (30 cr)

Learning outcomes

- To gather systematically knowledge related to the chosen field of specialty, combine different sets of data and analyse information.
- To carry out and document independently a study using scientific methods.
- To demonstrate professional skills in the field of the student's major subject.
- To demonstrate maturity required for a university degree.

Additional information

The Master's thesis is an extensive treatise, which trains the student for independent study and research, mastery of scientific methods, the convention of references, and the scientific mode of presentation in a good literary form. The thesis is conducted and written independently, yet under the supervision of a professor from the same discipline. The student has to participate in the master's thesis seminar, which supports the preparation of the thesis. In connection with the thesis, the student must also write a maturity test, which is an essay written on a topic related to the thesis. The test demonstrates the student's command of the thesis topic.

Additional information related to the degree

The International Master's Degree Programme in Information Technology offers multidisciplinary and flexible study opportunities of a high standard and quality. It operates in an internationally-oriented and innovative study and research environment, preparing the students for flexible professional and academic career opportunities. The programme offers eight alternative areas of specialization in the field of information technology. Multidisciplinary study modules and the opportunity to combine a variety of subjects enhance both the diversity of the degrees taken in this programme and the graduates' employment prospects in a wide variety of tasks in industry and research. Students gain excellent prerequisites for developing and applying information technology as well as for managing complete entities in many areas of technology and society. Graduates typically find employment in research, design, development, production and operating tasks or commercial and administrative tasks in the field of information technology.

Last modified22.03.2012