Study Guide 2015-2016

Electronics, 30 cr

Type of the study module

Advanced Studies


Donald Lupo, Leena Korpinen, Lauri Sydänheimo

Learning Outcomes

- After completing advanced studies in Electronics student has achieved good knowledge of electronics device design and product development. In electronics design it is important to take into account not only the device design but also electronics development, new electronics materials and manufacturing and radio frequency electronics. The student can thus choose Electronics Device Design, New Electronics Materials and Manufacturing or RF Engineering as his/her focus area. It is also possible to combine the focus areas.
- After completing advanced studies in the focus area of Electronics Device Design the student can logically analyse and design electronic circuits and explain their operation. The student is also able to act as an expert in electronic device design projects.
- After completing advanced studies in the focus area of New Electronics Materials and Manufacturing the student can compare and analyse electronics materials and devices, processes, and circuits for current electronics and the electronics of the future. In addition, the student will understand how to evaluate the reliability of electronic components and devices.
- After completing advanced studies in the focus area of RF Engineering the student can analyse, design, and test basic building blocks of radio frequency systems. These building blocks are active and passive components, circuits and structures operating at high frequencies, e.g. transistors, amplifiers, and antennas.


Study block Credit points Mandatory/Advisable
Elektroniikka 25 cr Mandatory


Optional Compulsory Courses

If the student does his/her Master's thesis in Electronics, the course TST-01906 Master's Thesis Seminar with the Electronics implementation round is compulsory.

Must be selected at least 11 credits of courses

Course Credit points Alternativity Class
ELT-22100 Elektroniikan tuotesuunnittelun työkurssi 6-8 cr 1   IV  
ELT-22106 Laboratory of Electronics Device Design 6-8 cr 1   IV  
ELT-22126 Electronics Design 7 cr 2   IV  
ELT-23050 Sulautettujen järjestelmien tuotteistaminen 5 cr 2   IV  
ELT-62356 Product Development of Biomedical Devices 5 cr 2   IV  

1. Select 1 courses. ELT-22100 and ELT-22106 are equivalent courses. The student chooses one of these courses.
2. Select 1 courses.

Complementary Courses

Advanced Studies in Electronics can be focused on Electronics Device Design, New Electronics Materials and Manufacturing or RF Engineering. More information regarding course selections of these focus areas can be found from the document Electronics_2015-2016_FocusAreas.pdf.

Should be completed to the minimum study module extent of 30 ETCS

Course Credit points
DEE-13200 Sähkömateriaalioppi 5 cr
DEE-54000 Sähkömagneettisten järjestelmien lämmönsiirto 5 cr
ELT-22110 EMC-suunnittelu 5 cr
ELT-22130 Sovelletun elektroniikan erityiskysymyksiä 5-6 cr
ELT-22206 Electronics Reliability 5 cr
ELT-22216 Electronics Materials 5 cr
ELT-22226 Advanced Electronics Production Technologies 4 cr
ELT-22236 Electronics Miniaturisation 5 cr
ELT-22246 Semiconductor Device Physics 5 cr
ELT-22256 Fundamentals of Organic Electronics 6 cr
ELT-23100 Verkotetut sulautetut järjestelmät 5 cr
ELT-23150 Sulautetut käyttöliittymät 5 cr
ELT-23200 Näyttöjärjestelmät 5 cr
ELT-41727 Practical RF Electronics: First Principles Applied 5 cr
ELT-41746 Antenna Basics 2 cr
ELT-45006 Radio Propagation in Wireless Networks 3 cr
ELT-45106 RF Equipment for Wireless Networks 3 cr
ELT-47206 Basics of RF Engineering 5 cr
ELT-47226 Basic RF Measurements 4 cr
ELT-47246 Passive RF Circuits 5 cr
ELT-47266 Active RF Circuits 5 cr
ELT-47286 RF Project 10-11 cr
ELT-47426 Transmission Lines and Waveguides 5 cr
ELT-47446 Antennas 8 cr
ELT-47466 Antenna Project 4-6 cr
ELT-47606 Radio Frequency Identification Technology 5 cr
ELT-47626 Wireless Solutions in Intelligent Environments 5-15 cr
ELT-47646 Special Topics in RFID Applications 5-15 cr
ELT-48006 Integrated Circuits CAD 6 cr
ELT-48106 RF Integrated Circuits Architectures 9 cr
ELT-48156 RF Integrated Circuits Design 9 cr
ELT-48206 Battery and Power Management RFIC 6 cr
ELT-61226 Biomedical Engineering: Biomaterials 3 cr
ELT-61236 Biomedical Engineering: Research and Productization 3 cr
ELT-62100 Viranomaisvaatimukset lääkinnällisten laitteiden suunnittelulle ja valmistukselle 3 cr
ELT-81000 WWW-kurssi: Sähkö, elektroniikka ja ympäristö 2 cr
ELT-82050 Tekniikan kehitykseen liittyvät terveyskysymykset 5 cr
ELT-82200 Tekniikan kehitys eettisenä kysymyksenä 5 cr
FYS-6106 Basic Semiconductor Technology 5 cr
MOL-11230 Materiaalitieteen tutkimusmenetelmät 5 cr
TST-01606 Demola Project Work 5-10 cr

Additional information

Lecturer Katja Laine can also be contacted regarding questions and enquiries of the study module.



Last modified07.04.2015