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Tampere University and TAMK

Microsoft Copilot (former Bing Chat Enterprise) is an AI chatbot (similar to ChatGPT, uses GPT-4 language model and DALL-E 3 image model). Copilot can also retrieve information directly from the Internet and can generate images based on text description. Copilot is available for staff users and for students (18+ age).

AI chatbot is useful for supporting tasks such as summarizing and analyzing information, brainstorming, designing, comparing, generating and editing text content, programming, language translation and creating images.

How do Microsoft's Copilot tools differ?

ToolDescriptionUsersHow to get started
Copilot (with TUNI ID)AI chatbot (equivalent to ChatGPT)

Staff: Yes

Students: Yes, 18+ age required due to the terms of use

Included in the Tampere universities M365 licenses.

Remember to log in with your TUNI ID, otherwise you will be using the less secure free consumer version. Available at or through the Edge web browser's sidebar.

Privacy and security are significantly better than with free consumer versions (e.g. ChatGPT, Copilot without TUNI ID, Gemini).

Copilot for Microsoft 365AI assistant for all Microsoft 365 apps like Word, Outlook, Teams etc. Additionally, support for plugins implemented with Copilot Studio.

Staff: Additional fee

Students: No

Additional fee, the costs are paid by the unit to which the license is acquired: about 30€/month/user. Finnish language is now supported 05/2024. Contact: it-helpdesk [at]
Copilot (free consumer version)AI chatbot (equivalent to ChatGPT)Anyone: Available only for private use, personal Microsoft ID may be required based on your device and browser 

Free for anyone

NOTE! Privacy and security are significantly weaker than with Copilot with TUNI ID.

How to get started with Copilot (with TUNI ID)

Microsoft Copilot in Edge web browser.
  • Copilot (former Bing Chat Enterprise) is available for all staff users and students (18+ age). Copilot became available for students from 03/2024.
  • Basic features work in all commonly used browsers (Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Safari), but Copilot sidebar with additional features is only available in the Edge browser, so it's recommended at least for staff users.
  • Open website and log in and verify from the top of the web page that you are logged in with TUNI ID (your TUNI email is shown) and  "Protected" badge is shown.
  • To use Edge browser's Copilot sidebar, click the Copilot button in the upper right corner and verify "Protected" badge is shown. From now on, the quickest and most versatile way to use Copilot is via the Copilot button in the upper right corner of the Edge browser.
  • Before you start using the app, please read about privacy and security from below.

Privacy and security

Do not process personal data or confidential data with Copilot. Processing of internal data is permitted. See data classification and examples: public-internal-confidential-restricted

Copilot is not part of Microsoft's EU Data Boundary services, at least for the time being. Data to be processed by AI can be temporarily sent in encrypted form to data centres outside the EU.

The data processed by Copilot is not stored by the AI and is not used to train the AI. In addition, messages from a conversation with an AI are automatically destroyed at the end of the chat session. See additional information in Copilot privacy statement

The above security features are an essential difference compared to free AI chatbot applications (e.g. ChatGPT, Copilot consumer version and Google Gemini).

Quick guide

Use Copilot like any other chat application. Type a text prompt and the AI will respond to you.

Be critical of the responses provided by AI. AI-generated responses can contain errors and even completely wrong information.

More instructions on Microsoft website

Enhance teaching and learning with Copilot (one-hour crash course for teachers)

Useful tips

Different response styles of AI

You can change the AI's response style from precise to creative. Creative responses tend to be the longest but may contain more errors.

Processing the content of a web page or PDF file using AI

By using the Copilot button on Edge browser, you can give the AI the permission to access content in the active tab of your web browser, such as webpage content or a PDF file.

Check Copilot sidebar settings:

  • Click the Copilot button in Edge browser
  • Click the three dots in the Copilot sidebar and select "Notification and App settings”
  • If needed, enable ”Allow access to any webpage or PDF” setting. Note that this setting will remain permanently active unless you explicitly deactivate it later.

Open a web page or open a PDF file in your browser and make a request to the AI, for example: ”Current page: Make a 50 word summary”

Open a web page or open a PDF file in your browser and make a request to the AI, for example: ”Current page: Make a 50 word summary”

Creating images with text description

You can also use AI to create images. For example, make a request to the AI: "Create a picture: An old dog sniffing the green grass. The style is realistic."

Additional information

For technical problems, you can contact the IT Helpdesk, but there is no wider support for using AI. Follow the webinar & training options and guidance on this topic on the intranet.

IT Helpdesk
0294 520 500
it-helpdesk [at] (it-helpdesk[at]tuni[dot]fi)

Published: 5.10.2023
Updated: 18.6.2024