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Navigaattori's services to students are expanding - New facilities in Hervanta, new support sessions online and on campus

Published on 3.10.2022
Tampere University
The low-threshold student guidance service Navigaattori expands its activities in October. The service opens new facilities in Hervanta and continues to add different support sessions for students' well-being both online and on campus. Explore Navigaattori and find the support you need!

This news article introduces the central functions of Navigaattori as of October 2022. The services concentrate on the city centre and Hervanta campuses and online. Navigaattori will host a pop-up session on student guidance on the Kauppi campus in November. More information on the Kauppi pop-up will be provided through Intra.

Campus facilities

Navigaattori's campus activities are held mostly in the new Navigaattori spaces. These are located in the Linna building (Linna 1003, next to the library main entrance) for the city centre campus and Main Building (PA209c, 2nd floor lobby) in Hervanta. The spaces host weekly drop-in sessions, visiting sessions and events. Navigaattori hosts the spaces together with Teaching and Learning Centre, which provides support for teaching staff. Outside organised activities, both spaces are freely in students' use.

Navigaattori services on campus

Navigaattori's weekly programme can be found on the service's handbook site. The campus spaces are introduced separately on the page. The weekly programme is introduced in the schedule tables. These sessions are always open to students without prior booking. Below the weekly schedules, you can find a list of non-weekly events. By clicking the session names, you can find more information on them.

On the city centre campus, the weekly sessions are:

Hervannan kampuksella viikottaisina päivystyksinä järjestetään seuraavat toiminnot:

The Hervanta space will host more weekly sessions beginning later in October. The non-weekly sessions will consist of, for example, SportUni's open sports consultations.

 Both campuses also host weekly student counsellors' drop-in sessions. These are held in the counsellors' own offices; Wednesdays 13-14 at Päätalo A117 for the city centre and Tuesdays 12-15 at PA209b in Hervanta.

Navigaattori services online

Guidance services' chat sessions offer support to all students every week, no matter where you are physically located. The chat window will open on the right-hand side of Navigaattori's handbook page during opening hours. In the chat, you can ask questions and explain your situation. The chat moderator from the University-wide guidance & counselling services will help you find the right support service and give you advice. Join the chat to find the help you need! The weekly chat opening hours are as follows:

  • Mondays 13-14.30
  • Fridays 10-11.30

In addition to the chat sessions, Navigaattori holds weekly Ask Me Anything -sessions on Jodel. A student counsellor will be answering students' questions each Thursday, 13-14. The AMA session can be found on the @tampereenyliopisto channel on the platform.

Mistä ajantasaiset tiedot?

Navigaattori's key info, schedules etc. can always be found on its Student Handbook site. The shortened link is easy to type in the address bar if you can't find a link:

If you have questions about Navigaattori, don't hesitate to contact coordinator Mikko Salminen (contact info below). We are developing the service continuously and will look to expand our messaging to all the platforms necessary. The handbook site will nevertheless be the place where you can find the up-to-date info on what Navigaattori is doing in the University community.