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Take the library's customer survey - win prizes to brighten up the darkness!

Published on 23.11.2021
Tampere Universities
Kirjaston asiakaskysely
The library conducts an open customer satisfaction survey for its customers. The survey will be conducted online and, if you wish, you can also take part in the raffle for the winter prizes. The survey is open until 12th of December.

Help us improve our services and develop our operations. Let us know what you think of the library and give us feedback and suggest improvements.

You can find the library's customer satisfaction survey at this link. (Choose English from the upper right corner dropdown menu)

QR-koodi asiakaskyselyyn

By leaving your email as the contact information at the end of the survey, you have the opportunity to participate in the prize draw.

The survey is open until 12.12.2021.

Respondents contact information will not be combined with responses and the response’s personal information will be destroyed after the draw.

Additional information and questions: library [at] (library[at]tuni[dot]fi)