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Media and Arts

Tampere University of Applied Sciences

Practical competences for creative minds

Media and Arts is a Bachelor's degree for future experts in the field of culture. Studies will guide you into creating fresh ideas and developing them into high-quality products in an artistically, technically and economically successful manner.


Bachelor's degree (UAS)

Degree earned

Bachelor of Culture and Arts

Planned duration

4 years

Extent of studies

240 ECTS credits



Form of learning

Full-time studies

Tuition fee for non-EU/EEA citizens

12000 € per academic year

Link to scholarship programme

NB! Submit a pre-task assignment with your application!

Our Bachelor's degree in Media and Arts provides you with up-to-date competences in the growing, international and constantly changing sector of culture. You will learn how to use emerging media tools and different working methods in a customer-friendly way. Options for practical training and exchange studies abroad will offer you an exceptionally good opportunity for an international career. The programme is on the Mediapolis Campus together with the Finnish Broadcasting Company YLE.

When applying to the degree, you must choose your study path and submit a relevant pre-task assignment (see link above). During the first year, you will follow your chosen study path: 

  • Fine Art Lab
  • Interactive Media
  • Music and Audio Industry

Besides following your main study path, you can construct your personal curriculum from several subdivided study modules, such as games design, sound design or fine art photography.

As a graduate, you will have the skills needed in the international media and arts sector. The industry offers a variety of job opportunities as expert, developer and entrepreneur in e.g. game companies, music and live event production, new media production, service design, and art galleries.

Hear from one of our Interactive Media students!



Student selection is based on a pre-task assignment submitted together with your application and an online interview with the academic staff for top candidates.

Want to hear more from our students? Chat with TAMK student ambassadors:

Need more information?

You can find all the information on course content, structure of studies and the actual application form in Studyinfo (link below). Please read through before sending in questions. If - however - you have questions regarding the application process, please contact TAMK Admissions: admissions.tamk(at) For questions regarding the content or structure of the programme, please contact Mr. Timo Kivikangas: timo.kivikangas(at)