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The first round of applications for the Entrepreneurship Fund is now open - deadline 31 October 2024

Julkaistu 16.7.2024
Tampereen yliopisto
Kuva: UArctic
The call is open to any individual with an incubator-stage product or service that aims to benefit the Arctic environment or Arctic communities and has a positive, demonstrable impact on the Arctic.

Tampere University is a member of The University of the Arctic (UArctic), which has an initiative, the UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund

The call is open to any individual from Tampere University with an incubator-stage product or service that aims to benefit the Arctic environment or Arctic communities and has a positive, demonstrable impact on the Arctic. We especially encourage applications from Arctic Indigenous and/or northern-based entrepreneurs. Expected grant disbursement amounts are in the range of $2,000 to $5,000 USD, though exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis.

Please get in touch with us at entrepreneurship [at] uarctic.org (entrepreneurship[at]uarctic[dot]org) if you have any questions.

What is the UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund?

To truly solve the challenges facing the Arctic, and thus the world, we believe strongly in supporting local solutions and multiple avenues for innovation for new services and products. UArctic is committed to playing a role in supporting the development of northern entrepreneurs and providing resources to help advance local ideas.

One way to do that is to complement existing, mature prize funds with a seed-fund program - the UArctic Entrepreneurship Fund. This will help to create a pipeline for existing prize funds and also allow for diversification in both creative products and local enterprises.