Robotics, 30 op

Opintokokonaisuuden tyyppi

Advanced Studies


Reza Ghabcheloo, Risto Ritala, Joni Kämäräinen, Minna Lanz, Jose Martinez Lastra, Seppo Tikkanen


- The graduate from TUT Robotics major will learn scientific and technological challenges and trends in robotic manipulation and mobility.
The graduate learns fundamental questions in robotics: perception, cognition and action.
When completed successfully, the graduate understands the literature and software tools of robotics, and can realize, tune or adapt them in the her/his specialized domain.
Extensive hands-on exercises and projects work in this curriculum will provide the graduate with knowledge and skills to setup a robotic system including hardware and software.
The graduate learns to work as a team member in a multi-disciplinary team.
The graduate understands the impact of robotics on work and on society, which is the ground for innovativeness.


Opintokokonaisuus Opintopisteet P/S
Automaatiotekniikka 30 op Advisable
Elektroniikka ja sulautetut järjestelmät 30 op Advisable
Kone- ja tuotantotekniikka 40 op Advisable
Ohjelmistotekniikka 30 op Advisable
Signal Processing and Machine Learning 30 op Advisable

ASE-1131 Automaatio ( Advisable )
TIE-02201 Ohjelmointi 2: Perusteet ( Mandatory )
MAT-02510 Tilastomatematiikan jatkokurssi ( Advisable )


Pakolliset opintojaksot

This study module assumes strong programming background during BSc studies and therefore students are encouraged to include the following courses to their study plan: TIE-02207 Programming 2: Basics and TIE-02408 Programming 3: Techniques

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Vuosikurssi
ASE-9407 Robot Manipulators: Modeling, Control and Programming 5 op IV  
IHA-4206 Mechatronics and Robot Programming 5 op IV  
IHA-4306 Fundamentals of Mobile Robots 5 op IV  
MEI-56307 Robotics Project Work 5 op IV  
Yhteensä 20 op  

Täydentävät opintojaksot

Please select at least 10 credits of courses

Opintojakso Opintopisteet Additional information Vuosikurssi
ASE-7516 Dynamic Planning with Incomplete Information 5 op V  
IHA-4506 Advanced Robotics 5 op V  
MAT-61706 Bayesian Filtering and Smoothing 5 op IV  
MAT-61806 Optimisation and Statistical Data Analysis 5 op V  
MEI-56406 Collaborative Robotics 5 op IV  
MEI-62006 Introduction to Industrial Internet 5 op IV  
SGN-13006 Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning 5 op IV  
SGN-45007 Computer Vision 5 op  

1. Course "SGN-45006 Fundamentals of Robot Vision" will change the name to "SGN-45007 Computer Vision" for 2019-2020 unwards. The implementation period is period 3.


Robotics is multi-disciplinary and its application domain is vast. Many routes leads to robotics: mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, signal processing, or mathematics. The main objective of this Major is to provide the graduate with a level of knowledge on robotics that she/he can make informed and wise decisions in many possible study or career paths. The student can thus specialize and deepen her/his knowledge in a desired direction by taking from many available optional courses and other minors.
The knowledge and skills gained will make the graduate attractive to many application domains such as mobile machine industry (mining, construction, maintenance, forestry, logistics, marine) and manufacturing. Besides well stablished industry, relevant start-ups are growing and in need. Be part of the future.

Päivittäjä: Korpela Anjariitta, 07.11.2019