Course Catalog 2010-2011

Basic Pori International Postgraduate Open University

|Degrees|     |Study blocks|     |Courses|    

Opinto-opas 2010-2011

Biomaterials, 35 cr

Type of the study block

Major Studies


Minna Kellomäki

Learning outcomes

- Students are able to identify and formulate problems and rise to these challenges in the field of biomedicine by applying materials science and engineering.
- Students are able to work in international and multidisciplinary society in the field of biomedical engineering and have good skills and knowledge from biomaterials science and technology.
- Students are able to design and develop biomaterials constructs and devices using biodegradable polymers, bioceramics and composites.
- Students are able to manufacture constructs and devices made of above mentioned biomaterial groups and to study and analyze their properties.
- Students are able to find and follow regulations and standards in the development of the medical devices to produce commercial products.


The student should have previous knowledge from the field of Biomaterial science, Material science, Tissue engineering, or Polymer chemistry. ( Mandatory )

Post study options

Study block Credit points
Master's Thesis 30 cr


Compulsory courses

Course Credit points
BIOM-1406 Biodegradable Polymers 5 cr
BIOM-2106 Tissue Engineering I 3 cr
BIOM-3106 Implantology 3 cr
BME-1796 Product Development of Biomedical Devices 5 cr
BME-1806 Master's Seminar on Biomedical Engineering 2 cr
BME-4206 Bioceramics and their clinical applications 4 cr
BME-4606 Drug Delivery Devices 4 cr
Total 26 cr

Supplemental courses

Please select courses from the list to complete the study block`s requirement (35)

Course Credit points
BIOM-1456 Biodegradable polymers laboratory course 5 cr
BME-1056 Cellular Interactions 5 cr
BME-1506 Research Project in Biomedical Engineering 5 cr
FYS-2106 Introduction to Surface Science 6 cr
FYS-2306 Electron Spectroscopy 5 cr
FYS-2406 Nanostructures and Elementary Surface Processes 5 cr
FYS-7306 Molecular modeling of bio- and nanosystems 5-8 cr
KMT-3806 Medical Textiles 3 cr
LTT-6406 Modelling of Physiological Systems 5 cr
MOL-6216 Processing of Plastics 4 cr
MOL-6616 Degradation of Polymers 5 cr
TETA-2406 Quality Management 4 cr

Additional information

Biomaterials are a special group of materials, either natural or synthetic in origin, which are designed to positively interact with living systems. While the emphasis has long been on medical applications, biomaterials are increasingly being developed for everyday use in packaging, singleuse products, toiletries, etc. In this study module the emphasis is on biocompatible materials for medical use such as implants, stents, drug releasing implants etc. Teaching covers different classes of biomaterials and several application areas together with the basics of tissue engineering, where biomaterials and cellular regeneration techniques are combined to create advance therapies. Minor subjects that support the biomaterials major include Biomedical Engineering, Biotechnology, Industrial Management, Materials Research, and Plastics and Elastomers.

Last modified24.03.2010